Fellow Conservative,
Happy New Year! It is officially 2016 and you know what that means. We have entered the last year of the Obama presidency.
I wouldn't celebrate just yet, however. The President admits that there are many things he still must do. Obama knows that he has no chance of moving anything through Congress. The only way he will enact his agenda is through executive order. In a taped New Years message, Obama has announced that his resolution is to move forward with unfinished business as much as he can.
We've already seen it beginning. Yesterday, the President announced a sweeping executive order to rewrite our legal immigration laws. Illegal and unconstitutional.
This next week, he plans to use an executive order to force private gun sellers/buyers to register their firearms with the government. He is meeting with his Attorney General on Monday to cross the Ts and dot the Is. Illegal and unconstitutional.
He plans for 2016 to be a year of action and so must we!
Tell Congress to STOP this lawlessness and introduce articles of impeachment immediately!
We get emails all the time from people saying its too late to impeach. Really? So are you content with this man completely violating the Constitution?
Make no mistake. Every Constitutional right you hold dear is in the crosshairs. The laws that hold this country together are being unconstitutionally rewritten by a tyrant.
I'm sorry if that word ruffles feathers, but that is what Obama has become. He is ruling by executive fiat. He has become what the founding fathers feared most: a tyrant.
And they gave us one mechanism to defeat executive tyranny: impeachment.
If we won't push for impeachment for these High Crimes, then this experiment with representative government is a failure.
This doesn't start with Congress… It starts with We the People. It starts with all of us rising up and protecting this country from an out-of-control executive.
During the American Revolution, just 3% of the Colonists actually took up arms against the British. Three percent were able to defeat the largest empire in the world and change human history.
When everyone else said it was impossible, 3% of the population stood for their convictions and fought back. We are facing a similar foe today. We are facing a man who believes he has ultimate power to write and rewrite law.
He is wrong.
Will you stand with us against him?
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily