Obama has declared he wants to “improve the voting experience” in America. Fantastic, you say. That must mean he is going to get down to business and improve the integrity of elections by addressing voter fraud, New Black Panther interference, and military voting problems, right?
No. On March 28th he issued an Executive Order establishing the “Presidential Commission of Election Administration,” which gives him the power to appoint nine “distinguished individuals,” handpicked by him, to address voting problems such as long lines, polling station placements, and voting machine technology.
He who controls the election system controls the outcome. And Barack Obama has just nationalized our election system.
Heaven forbid that people have to wait in line to vote … (A Massachusetts Institute of Technology study that found the average wait to vote last November on Election Day was 13 minutes) … but don’t dare ask them to provide photo identification once it’s their turn. Because obviously the illegal, the dead and the unemployed looking for Obama handouts have much less time on their hands and better things to do than to be standing around in American election lines.
And, Obama may claim he wants to make it easier for members of the military to vote, but that is nothing but lip service coming from an administration that has been accused of violating federal law in this regard. Congress gave the Pentagon $75 million to establish voter-assistance offices on military bases, but it didn’t happen. And Obama also took his time making sure ballots made it overseas in time to be counted.
Election law expert and former Department of Justice official J. Christian Adams says Obama’s latest move is a "solution in search of a problem." That problem, of course, is that Obama and the Democrats have sinking approval levels and a very difficult election season coming up next year—so why not get started on “fixing” what isn’t broke as soon as possible?
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The Executive Order states:
“The Commission shall be composed of not more than nine members appointed by the President. The members shall be drawn from among distinguished individuals with knowledge about or experience in the administration of State or local elections, as well as representatives of successful customer service-oriented businesses, and any other individuals with knowledge or experience determined by the President to be of value to the Commission.”
Let’s see: who might the President feel is “of value” to this Commission? Union leaders? Illegal immigration proponents? Race-baiters in the vein of Eric Holder and Jesse Jackson? George Soros? U.N. workers?
Obama’s Executive Order gives the federal government control over the election process, and it gives election benefits to the President of the United States and his party. As Stalin said, “…what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.”
Obama has just declared that he, and he alone, will decide who that is.
Fax Congress and tell them to defend the integrity of our elections.
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