Fellow American,
Barack Obama came out last month and announced that he was going to wait until after the midterm elections before he would announce his plan to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
Does he think the American people are that stupid? Does he really think that the American people will vote for a Democrat or RINO knowing that amnesty is coming right after the election?
While everyone is so focused on Eric Holder’s resignation, the Obama administration has successfully distracted you from its real goal leading into the weekend.
The Pentagon has just announced a new Obama executive directive that will allow illegal aliens to serve in the Military! That’s right, illegal aliens will now be allowed to join the military and, when their service is complete, the will be allowed to apply for citizenship!
The most unconstitutional president in history just hit a new low!
This is a new low, even for the Obama administration!
The law is extremely simple when it comes to this. The Obama administration has a legal obligation to deport illegal aliens who are caught in this country. But, the President has decided he doesn’t like that law, so he has ignored it.
The Pentagon also has an obligation to report illegal aliens that apply to join the Military but, once again, the White House has instructed the Pentagon to ignore their requirements.
The United States has a long history of immigrants serving in the Military; there is no doubt about that. However, these people have always been legal immigrants, meaning that they came to the United States and, in recent years, were screened to make sure their weren’t Islamic extremists or some other type of terrorists…
Now, instead of screening prospective immigrants to make sure that they aren’t our enemies, the Obama administration has opened up the proverbial door and is allowing thousands of illegals to cross our border every week!
We aren’t checking these people for diseases or whether they have a criminal/terrorist past… And now the Obama administration is just letting them put on the uniform so they can gain citizenship!
I am sure that there are many illegal aliens who genuinely want to serve in the military. I commend them for their ambition and their drive, but is this really what the country needs?
At a time when the Obama administration is deliberately shrinking the military, how can we as a country justify demoting and discharging AMERICAN soldiers only to enlist ILLEGAL ALIENS?
The President should be deploying American soldiers to the southern border to stop illegal immigration.
Instead, he is welcoming illegal immigrants to join the military!
Do you see how backwards this is? Do you see how treasonous this is?
Are you ready to raise your voice to put a stop to this?
Illegal aliens have no place in the military! Yet, Barack H. Obama seems content to just lay down the welcome mat at our enlistment offices…
Just when you think that Obama has done all that he can to shred the Constitution, he comes out with this ridiculous program. It’s almost like he is competing with himself to see how quickly he can destroy the country!
As I said, the Army should be at the southern border turning illegals around. Instead, Barack Obama is advertising to the world that illegals can join the military!
This is treasonous… This is illegal… And it must be stopped!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily
P.S. We are running a program that I thought you might enjoy. We are selling pocket constitutions to try and raise money for some new technology we’re trying to implement. For every pocket constitution that you buy, we will send one straight to the Obama White House on your behalf to remind the President of the oath he took and broke!