Fellow Conservative,
The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest just published a study compiling data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The date shows that as of June 25, 2016, there are 953,806 aliens living in the United States with outstanding Orders of Removal.
Almost 1 million aliens have gone before immigration judges and been ordered deported from the country. The Obama administration has completely ignored these court orders and released the illegal aliens back into society.
A quarter of these illegal aliens (242,772) are being allowed to stay in the United States because when the Obama administration asked their home countries to take their people back, they refused.
At least 182,761 of them have been convicted in the United States of committing crimes.
Let that number sink in. That is the number of illegal aliens, who are convicted criminals, that have been ordered out of the country but are allowed to live among us because their home countries won’t agree to let them back in.
This is absolute madness!
These statistics, of course, also include the 1,800 illegal aliens who were slated to be deported but were “accidentally” given citizenship instead.
But it gets worse. Look at the case of Jean Jacques, a Haitian illegal immigrant caught by law enforcement and released in 2012 back into society when Haiti refused to let him come back to the island.
Four-years after he was released by ICE, Jacques was convicted of killing a 25-year old woman in Connecticut and stuffing her body into a closet to hide the crime. This is what Obama’s amnesty looks like…
Or look at the case of Bo Kang Me. He is an illegal immigrant from Cambodia. He was apprehended and slated for deportation, but Cambodia refused to take him back. So, in 2009, ICE set him free and allowed him to return to American society. Just four-years later, this illegal alien was arrested and convicted after he picked up a child at a Rhode Island school and molested them. This is what Obama’s amnesty looks like…
I could list these horrible cases all day long. All-in-all, 57,029 illegal aliens who were ordered deported but set free by the Obama administration went on to commit more crimes after their release.
It’s absolute madness.
This is not a coincidence. This is Obama’s policy.
He says that he is prioritizing deporting violent criminals but the facts paint a much different picture.
In Obama’s America, there is apparently nothing that warrants deportation. Almost a million illegal aliens are being protected by the administration and shielded from deportation. More than 180,000 are convicted criminals and that number keeps rising.
The woman in Connecticut was a real person. She was killed because the Obama administration released her killer instead of deporting him.
The child in Rhode Island is a real person. Their life has now been ruined because of Obama’s commitment to political correctness.
Tens of thousands of Americans have been killed, raped, or victimized by illegal aliens that should have been deported, but Obama allowed them to stay.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is leading the charge to put an end to this policy. He is not only introducing legislation to put an end to Obama’s catch-and-release illegal immigration policy, but also to formally investigate all those responsible for setting these violent illegal aliens free.
As you know, the Senate is full of cowards. Senators like Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) would rather suspend deportations entirely than enforce the law as written. They are blocking any immigration enforcement legislation from moving forward.
But theirs is a futile fight and it is high time that the American people remind these cowards who pulls the strings!
The truth of the matter is that Congressional leadership thinks you are stupid. They think that you don’t remember their promise to defund Obama’s amnesty programs if he tried to suspend deportations.
Both McConnell and Ryan swore that they would defund any and all of Obama’s attempts to suspend deportation to enact de facto amnesty.
Well, it is time to call-in that promise.
As you read this, the GOP is gathering behind the scenes to plan out next years budget. They only have a few weeks to agree on a budget framework or else the government will shut down.
I get it. There’s nothing particularly exciting or ‘sexy’ about budget fights. They don’t get nearly the publicity they deserve.
But the decisions made over the next few days will determine whether Obama is allowed to continue with his amnesty policies through the end of his term or whether he will be shut down for good.
This latest report details that there are nearly 1 million illegal aliens that Obama is literally shielding from deportation orders. They are being released back into society and the American people are facing the consequences.
No more victims,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily