Fellow Conservative,
A month ago, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Obama administration’s domestic spying programs within the Patriot Act were illegal.
They didn’t beat around the bush. The judges came out and declared the program illegal.
The assumption was that with this court ruling, and the passage of the USA Freedom Act, the Obama administration would cease and desist all domestic spying.
While pretending to obey the court order in public, DOJ officials have met with the secret FISA courts (the secret part of the judicial system that approves intelligence warrants) and instructed them to ignore the 2nd Circuit’s ruling.
That’s right… Obama administration officials are working in secret to ignore the 2nd Circuit Court and Congress to continue spying on you anyway!
When the government suspects someone of being a terrorist, they bring their evidence to the FISA courts. There are no cameras, no reporters, and the hearings are completely closed off to the public. If the judge agrees that surveillance is necessary, he or she will sign off on the warrant.
When the 2nd Circuit ruled these programs were illegal, and Congress elected to reform them, administration officials continued asking the FISA courts to give them warrants.
Often, we get emails from readers accusing us of lying. They complain that we don’t provide enough evidence of our claims.
At first, it was just rumors that the Obama administration was moving forward with domestic spying. We didn't want to run with this story until we had solid proof. Well, here is the evidence.
The government submitted an application to the FISA court so they can continue “the bulk production of call detail records for a 180 day transition period.”
The Court ruled it was illegal… Congress decided to reform the program… and the Obama administration doesn’t care about any of it.
Unconstitutional. That is the only way to describe it.
If a branch of government completely ignores and defies rulings from the other two branches of government, then that is a textbook definition of tyranny. Period.
The Obama administration is ignoring the Judiciary, defying Congress, and continuing to illegally and unconstitutionally spy on YOU!
The only one who can stop this is you. Take your stand and DEMAND that this tyranny be stopped!
Don't let Obama continue his domestic spy program! Demand that this lawlessness be stopped!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily