Fellow American,
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I am here to tell you that Barack Hussein Obama has pledged to violate the Constitution once more.
Article II, Section 2, clause 2 of the United States Constitution is clear: “[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.”
Right now, there are more than SIXTY Senators (a bipartisan majority) who believe that more sanctions against Iran are necessary.
To all those who say, “give peace a chance,” I say give me a break! Iran has been taking advantage of Obama’s weakness to buy as much time as possible.
The President simply cannot enter into a treaty without Congressional approval. That’s not just what I think… that’s what the Constitution says!
Yet, time after time, Barack Obama has proven to be willing to disregard the Constitution to pursue his own radical agenda. That’s what he did when he instructed John Kerry to sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty without Congressional approval.
Enough is enough. Congress has to put its foot down! No President can be allowed to shred the Constitution like this to empower our enemies!
Obama has gone too far! Demand that Congress put a stop to this immediately!
Believe it or not, it actually gets worse. When asked about the nuclear talks, Obama administration officials admitted that the goal of the talks is to delay, not eliminate, Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
No, that is not a joke. Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken admitted during a Congressional hearing that the Obama administration’s goal is to ‘constrain’ Iran’s nuclear breakout capability without trying to eliminate its nuclear program.
This is just so shameful… A nuclear Iran is unacceptable.
So let me get this straight. The Obama administration wants to let Iran have a nuclear weapons program and contends that the President has the authority to sign a treaty without Congressional approval?
We are witnessing a power hungry President surrender to the Islamic Republic of Iran. We are seeing first hand what happens when the President of the United States gives up on trying to protect our allies.
Make no mistake: if Iran succeeds in building a nuclear weapon, that weapon will eventually be used. If not against us, then it will be used against one of our allies.
Congress passed tough sanctions against Iran, but Obama chose to lift them to give the Iranians relief.
The Constitution says that Obama needs Congressional approval to sign a treaty, but the President plans to go easy on Iran anyway.
This is tyranny! The American people elected their Congressmen and Senators to look out for the people’s interests. A bipartisan majority in Congress wants to impose more sanctions against Iran.
But one man gets the power to undo all of this? One man gets the power to bully another branch of government? I don’t think so!
Here’s the problem: time after time, Obama announces some unconstitutional action and Congress just lets it happen.
Elected officials are too afraid to stir the pot and hold the White House accountable for its actions.
But now, lives are on the line. Obama’s weak foreign policy could literally lead to a nuclear holocaust. That isn’t a cheap shot. That is an accurate depiction of what will come if Obama is allowed to surrender to the Mullahs of Iran unless YOU stop him!
Obama cannot be allowed to surrender to Iran! Demand that Congress find its backbone!
What Obama is doing is unconstitutional. He is vowing to go around Congress to sign a nuclear treaty with Iran on his own. And even though the American people want tougher sanctions and for Iran’s nuclear program to be stopped, the President is going to let Tehran’s nuclear scientists move full steam ahead.
Shameful is one way to describe this… treasonous would be another.
But this doesn’t have to be the outcome! President Barack H. Obama doesn’t have to get away with it this time. Congress has the power to put a stop to this rogue President’s radical agenda once and for all.
So far, Congress has lacked the backbone to do what is necessary to stop Obama’s lawlessness.
But now, in the face of a nuclear-armed Iran, you must raise your voice! You must demand action! And you MUST force Congress to put a stop to Obama’s unconstitutional plan to surrender to Iran!
Click here to force Congress to stop Obama from surrendering to Iran!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily