Fellow Conservative,
Not every one of Barack Obama’s executive orders/actions makes the front page. A lot of what this President does flies under the radar.
But just because the mainstream media is focusing on a plane crash in the French Alps doesn’t mean this President has given up trying to radically transform the country.
The latest of Obama’s executive actions focuses on L-1B Visas. Understandably, for most people, I might as well be speaking a foreign language right now. But this obscure change to our immigration law has the potential to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work!
An L-1B Visas is used when an American company wants to bring a foreign worker – who already work for the company – here to the United States. Not every foreigner qualifies to enter the country under an L-1B visa. As I said, the foreigner has to already be working for an American company (or a company with a location in the United States). But on top of that, he or she must possess some sort of “specialized knowledge” that is above the average American jobseeker.
Essentially, these visas serve as inter-company transfers allowing companies to move their skilled foreign employees here to the States.
The problem is that this visa program has long served as a loophole allowing companies to lay-off expensive American workers and replace them with much cheaper foreign labor.
Every year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 of these foreign workers and every year, Americans receive their pink slips only to learn their being replaced by a foreigner willing to do the same job to less pay.
And now, Barack H. Obama has used his pen and his phone to instruct immigration officials to approve more L-1 visas. Barack Obama announced the executive action before an economic conference, promising that this change would help hundreds of thousands of foreign workers gain employment in the United States.
We may officially be out of the recession but for many Americans, the job market is just as bad now as it was in 2008. And I’m not talking about unskilled laborers. These are Americans who went to school, got multiple degrees, and have amassed marketable skill sets.
But this President’s immigration policies are stealing jobs away from them.
Since 2007, all net job growth in this country went to immigrant workers (both legal and illegal). The charts and graphs show that the United States generated more jobs than were lost in the 2008 Recession, but detailed analysis shows that the net gain comes from immigrant laborers.
And it’s not just this most recent immigration executive action.
A recent study shows that as of right now, 13% (roughly 1/8) of all illegal aliens work in white-collar jobs. This wouldn’t be a problem if they had immigrated here legally. Then, we would be applauding this as proof that the American dream is still alive. But they didn’t come here legally. The flagrantly broke our immigration laws and proceeded to steal jobs from hard-working Americans.
Democrats often joke that there’s no harm in legalizing these illegal aliens because they are taking jobs that Americans don’t want. The data proves this is a lie. Since Obama took office, there have been 180,000 illegal aliens that have entered the AMERICAN workforce in white-collar positions.
Don’t you see what is happening? This President is literally opening the floodgates and encouraging foreigners to compete with Americans for what few jobs are available.
Right now, my fiancée is applying for jobs. She has a teaching degree from one of the best education schools in the country, a resume full of relevant experience, and stellar references. Yet, she now has to compete with illegal aliens for these teaching positions. Obama has given these young DREAMERs amnesty under his 2012 executive order (DACA) and now they are competing with my fiancée for open teaching positions.
We’re not talking about people working on farms or doing landscaping. These are illegal aliens who are literally stealing middle class jobs.
Not only has the President signed off on this theft, but he has worked nonstop to make it easier for foreigners to take jobs from Americans.
I love this country. It gave my great-great grandparents an opportunity to leave Europe and pursue their fortune in the land of opportunity. But there is a big difference between opening our doors to legal immigrants and encouraging illegals and foreign workers to just steal American jobs.
This has to stop. If Congress doesn’t put a stop to this right now, as Obama said, hundreds of thousands of foreign workers will be approved to come here and replace American workers.
Only YOU can demand that Congress stop Barack Obama from giving American jobs for foreigners!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily