Fellow Conservative,
It's coming. Gun control is coming. President Obama is in Chicago today pushing for new gun control.
Through the end of September, Chicago has seen 2,300 shootings (up 400% from last year). Even with all the gun control laws on the books, they still can’t stop criminals from getting guns.
The President’s solution? Well, we know what Obama thinks about the 2nd Amendment… He is pushing universal gun registration, bans on some of the most commonly owned firearms, and yes, even insinuated that the solution to gun violence is to simply have the police confiscate Americans’ weapons.
Now, Obama is meeting with police officers in Chicago to talk about his administration’s new gun control policies coming down the pike. Coincidence?
Even though gun violence is down nationwide almost 50% since 1993, the President has made it clear that he is going to implement more gun control with or without Congress, even if that means using an executive order.
The White House has admitted that President Obama is preparing a new executive order to force private sellers to undergo a background check before buying/selling a firearm. Right now, background checks are only required if purchasing through a licensed firearm dealer. Not only is this plan illegal but it is completely unconstitutional.
Whenever a liberal dreams up a new gun control proposal, Chicago implements it. They have a ban on so-called assault weapons, a ban on standard capacity magazines, and a law forcing residents to undergo a background check for all firearm purchases. None of it matters. Shootings are near an all-time high.
For weeks, Obama has been pushing a three-pronged gun control policy proposal.
First, he want universal background checks so that the government can monitor who is buying/selling/transferring firearms. If Obama gets his way, it will be impossible to buy or sell a gun without first informing the federal government.
Second, he wants to ban guns he doesn’t like. That means AR-15s, certain shotguns, and yes, possibly even handguns.
And third, Obama has not been shy in saying that he believes confiscation will have to play a role in his gun control agenda.
That is exactly what happened in the UK and in Australia and now the President has promised to bring this type of gun control here!
Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd President of the United States, once said that “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
You know Obama’s end game. You know his plan. He is coming after the Second Amendment.
Now, the only question is this: what are you going to do about it?
All it takes for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s newest gun control proposal to succeed is for good patriots like you to do nothing.
We all wish that we could just sit back and focus on other things. Unfortunately, we can’t.
Obama is meeting today in Chicago to lay out the steps forward for his gun control agenda. This is happening whether you like it or not.
I beg you, take action!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily