Democratic Representative Al Green wants to impeach President Trump because of his comments regarding the National Football League. No, that is not a joke.
Not only that, but he is now promising to introduce a Privileged Resolution and force the House of Representatives to vote on whether or not to impeach President Trump.
Given everything that Democrats have promised to impeach Trump over, it’s pretty remarkable that the first vote will be over the President condemning activist athletes who disrespect the Star Spangled Banner and American Flag.
If you haven’t got your daily dose of crazy yet, listen to Rep. Green’s deranged speech on the floor of the House of Representatives…
This is the result of a spineless GOP allowing the left to direct the Congress towards one make-believe scandal after another. Paul Ryan is going to let this heinous impeachment vote move forward.
If you think that the American people deserve a new Speaker of the House who isn’t a spineless, NeverTrump coward, join the fight to have him removed here!