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No❗ Don’t Let Obama Get Another Supreme Court Judge!

Fellow Conservative,

We lost a great American yesterday. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the most conservative and originalist judge on the bench, was found dead yesterday in his Texas ranch. He was 79 years old.

No sooner had the news broke, Obama released a statement that he would nominate a replacement soon. Of course that’s what he wants: the opportunity to replace the most conservative Justice with a liberal replacement.

Now, I want to be fair. Mitch McConnell came out and said that there would be no vote on a replacement until next year. He was so “convincing” that Democrats promptly started counting votes and calling the most liberal Republican Senators asking for their support. They completely expect him to fold and when he does, they want to make sure they have the votes.

Let me be clear… If we allow Obama to fill Justice Scalia’s seat with a liberal or socialist replacement, the Republic, as we know, it is dead.

No way! Force the GOP to stand firm and REFUSE to confirm and liberal Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Scalia!

The Democrats are already trying to shame the Republicans into confirming a liberal judge. They are trying to force the RINOs to abandon what little principle they have left and hand the Supreme Court over to the Left.

It is no surprise that they want to fill the seat as soon as possible. They want to fill the seat with a liberal before the Supreme Court hears cases that will decide the fate of Obamacare, the President’s amnesty executive orders, pro-life issues, whether the EPA can force coal companies out of business, a whole slew of controversial topics.

Scalia was the one who clarified that the Second Amendment did, in fact, protect an individual right, not just the rights of militia members. Every advancement since the Heller decision in 2008 has been because of Scalia’s leadership on the issue. Could you imagine Obama replacing him with a rabidly anti-gun judge?

If he’s replaced with a liberal, the Second Amendment as we know it will be overturned. We’re talking about wide-reaching gun bans, ammunition bans, regulations forcing you to disassemble your guns at home when not in use…

That last one… that is what the Heller case was all about. Washington D.C. had a law on the books forcing gun owners to disassemble or render inoperable any gun not in use. Scalia wrote the opinion that overturned it.

This is a big deal.

What’s an even bigger deal is that Congress is technically in recess right now. That means that Obama, right now, could put someone onto the Supreme Court and it would take weeks or even months for Republicans to undo it!

Don’t let the GOP cave in and surrender! Force them to BLOCK any liberal nominee to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court!

I know there is a lot going on right now. I know that the make-up of the Supreme Court isn’t particularly exciting. It’s not something that you probably really think about on a daily basis.

But if you don’t put a stop to the cowardly Republicans in Congress right now, the Republic will be finished. If we allow the GOP to cave and confirm an Obama appointee, then the Constitutional rights we love and enjoy will be ripped away.

This is not an exaggeration.

The next 24-48 hours will decide the future of this country.

When the history books look back on this day, they will write of brave patriots like you who refused to let the Bill of Rights be trampled on! Take a stand!

No compromise! FaxBlast Congress and threaten to vote out any Member of Congress who pushes for the confirmation of Obama’s liberal Supreme Court nominee!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily


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