Fellow Conservative,
Every now and then, news of a government program crosses our desk that is so out-of-control and heinous that we have no choice but to fight it.
On Memorial Day, in addition to honoring the men and women killed fighting this nation’s wars and armed conflicts, we focused on the 22 veterans who commit suicide every day in this country. Unfortunately for us, that is an accurate statistic.
Our call to action was simple: the VA needs to do more to help these troubled veterans.
The VA's solution is absolutely shameful.
The VA is moving forward with a program to distribute gun locks to veterans to help stop them from using a gun in the heat of passion to commit suicide. Like many of Obama’s programs, it sounds good on paper.
Instead of just handing these inexpensive gun locks out anonymously, the VA is requiring Veterans to first register for them. Why is that a problem? Since Obama took office, the VA has doubled down on disarming as many veterans as possible!
Don’t let the VA take away our veterans’ 2nd Amendment rights!
The new standard for seizing a veteran’s firearms is deciding whether he or she is able to handle their own finances. If they need someone – like their spouse or children – to help writing up all the bills, the Obama administration believes that is enough to disarm them.
I’ll just come out and say that I don’t pay all my own bills. My wife helps pay many of them. I just don’t have the time to sit down and pay them all on my own. That doesn’t mean the Second Amendment goes out the window!
On top of that, we learned that the overwhelming majority of people being added to the gun ban list are veterans. Since 2012, 99.3% of all names added to the NICS gun ban database have come from the VA.
Now, we’ve learned about the latest attempt to disarm our brave veterans.
Vernon Anderson, a Former US Navy Veteran, Certified National Recruiter, and Commander of the Elm Grove Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars, is blowing the whistle on this program. He is calling it “another Obama back door gun control measure.”
On the one hand, it appears that the VA is trying to offer gun locks to vets for free. But by forcing veterans to formally request them, in writing, the VA is collecting data on which veterans own firearms.
There’s a reason the program isn’t anonymous. The Obama administration wants to know which veterans own guns so that they can know which doors to knock on to confiscate them. Period.
That is unacceptable. The VA is already doing everything possible to disarm our veterans. It is well documented that the Department can seize veterans' firearms without due process. Now they want vets to register whether they own guns to make the job even easier.
The Obama administration – and, rightfully so – views our brave veterans as a threat. It’s not surprising the VA is trying to create a veteran gun owner database…
This is unacceptable! Tell Congress to stop this obvious gun grabbing VA program!
As it is, veterans are hiding their PTSD symptoms because they fear the government will come for their guns.
We agree that gun locks are a good idea. If a lock can stop a manic veteran from using the gun on him/herself in the heat of the moment, it is definitely worth it.
But we cannot, in good conscience, support a program with the sole goal of creating a veteran gun owner registry. And neither should you!
Demand that Congress put a stop to this program designed to create a veteran gun database!
All the best,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily