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Nancy Pelosi Orders GOP to Pass Far Left Cheat-By-Mail Legislation

Yesterday, the GOP rolled out their coronavirus relief bill. It included an additional round of stimulus checks, extended (but reduced) unemployment assistance, and extra federal funding to help schools reopen. In my opinion, the GOP gave too much. The solution is to re-open the economy, not to keep paying people to sit at home.

But the Democrats immediately shot it down. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are refusing to allow the legislation to pass unless the GOP agrees to have a full mail-in election this November.

The Left knows that this is their best chance to steal the election. They are refusing to allow any coronavirus aid to pass unless it includes their "cheat-by-mail" demands.

The cowardly GOP is so terrified of being blamed for people's unemployment checks running out, that they are actually starting to cave…

You MUST stop them!

You must fight back before it's too late and stop the GOP from caving! Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND that they block Pelosi's "cheat-by-mail" provisions from becoming law!

Nancy Pelosi was asked yesterday during a press conference whether she would agree to pass a covid relief package that did not include funding for nationwide vote-by-mail. She shouted "NO" at the reporter 11 times…

Democrats are saying that their mail-in ballot amendments are non-negotiable. Here's why.

Under the Democrats' bill, all 50 states would be required to offer mail-in voting to whoever wants it. Currently, most states require that someone be absent on election day, disabled, or too sick to make it to the polls in order to qualify for an absentee ballot. The Democrats' initiative would require that states automatically send out ballots in the mail to registered voters.

This will guarantee fraud. I just spoke to a friend who lived in California years ago. He unregistered to vote in California after he moved, but his parents just received a letter in the mail addressed to him saying that he would automatically receive a ballot in the mail. Studies have shown that California has MILLIONS of people on their voter rolls who are dead, moved away, or otherwise ineligible to vote (felons, illegal aliens, etc). Sending a ballot to every registered voter, whether or not they ask for one, guarantees fraud. Democrats have perfected this scheme in California, and now are trying to force the GOP to make it a nationwide practice…

But the Left isn't stopping there. Pelosi is also demanding that all states extend their early voting. Even states that have two weeks of early voting days would be required to keep their polls open even longer. This is designed to try to increase Democrat turnout, plain and simple.

The bill Pelosi is demanding that the GOP pass also includes an amendment to outlaw voter ID. That is right: states that have voter ID requirements that have to be met before voters can get absentee or mail in ballots would not be allowed to enforce those voter ID laws. The Democrats also want to make it illegal to require that mail-in-ballots get notarized. Basically, the Left's bill is designed to make it impossible for states to actually prove a voter's identity…

And yes, it gets even worse. The bill would also require that states legalize "ballot harvesting." This is the practice where paid political operatives go door-to-door, tell people how to fill out their ballots, and then turn the ballots in on the voters' behalf. In California, ballot harvesters have been caught dumping hundreds, and even thousands of ballots at polling places just minutes before the polls close. 

Democrats are literally trying to legalize voter fraud. There is a reason that most states only allow a family member or caretaker to deliver absentee ballots on a voter's behalf. That is because once a ballot changes hands, fraud becomes easy. Ballot handlers can destroy ballots if they don't like the way the person voted, or potentially even change votes.

Combined, these four provisions would give the Far Left the ability to completely steal the 2020 election, and every election moving forward.

But the idiot Republicans are offering to meet the Democrats "halfway" towards their plan to steal the election. The GOP is made up of COWARDS!

You must fight back before it's too late and stop the GOP from caving! Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND that they block Pelosi's "cheat-by-mail" provisions from becoming law!

You cannot let the Republicans strike this "compromise." If the Democrats get any of their election demands, they will use it to steal the election. You know it and I know it.

If it is safe enough to go to Walmart or safe enough to attend a Black Lives Matter riot, then it is safe enough to vote in person. Period.

But the spineless Republicans are so terrified of being blamed for blocking the next round of stimulus or unemployment checks that they are offering to give the Democrats what they want: a pathway to steal the election.

You CANNOT allow this to happen.

You must fight back before it's too late and stop the GOP from caving! Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND that they block Pelosi's "cheat-by-mail" provisions from becoming law!

Stop them now!

Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily

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