Okay, okay, that's not exactly breaking news… We have known that for a while. But after her antics last night, there is no longer any debate: Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace!
Here at Conservative Daily, we make a point of not repeating the same topic two days in a row unless something is incredibly important or newsworthy.
Now that Democrats are finally starting to turn on Nancy Pelosi, we called on the Left and the Right to finally remove her from power. After everything that Pelosi has done and put this country through, it is time to send her packing.
Well, last night, Nancy Pelosi sank to a new low. I didn't even think it was possible.
While President Trump was finishing his State of the Union address, Pelosi stood up, grabbed the official copy of the speech that Trump had given her, and tore it into pieces.
Never in the history of our Republic have we ever seen such a petty or classless display of partisan hatred during the State of the Union. Nancy Pelosi showed that she couldn't even put partisanship aside for one evening, not even for the good of the country…
The State of the Union is all about tradition and there is a script that the Speaker of the House is supposed to follow. Before the President gives his speech, the Speaker is supposed to say the following:
"Members of congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you, the President of the United States."
But last night, Nancy Pelosi refused to read the script. Instead, she simply said, "Members of Congress, the President of the United States."
That was not an accident. That was deliberate
Throughout the entire speech, Pelosi wore every single one of her emotions. She scoffed, grimaced, and pursed her lips during the entire speech. Even when the President delivered objectively good news — like the unemployment rate hitting a record low — she still refused to clap.
And when members of her own party started disrupting the speech with boos, hissing, and even chants, Pelosi — unlike in previous years — did not shut them down.
But, as I said, the worst part came at the very end of the speech. As President Trump was concluding his address and preparing to leave, Nancy Pelosi stood up and ripped the official copy of the speech into pieces before tossing it in the trash.
When asked why she tore up the speech, Pelosi told a reporter that "it was the courteous thing to do, given the alternatives."
There is no longer any debate. Nancy Pelosi's actions were beneath the dignity of the office she holds and she must be removed!
We have covered, in depth, Nancy Pelosi's crimes against the country. We have detailed how she has put party over country and done irreparable damage to our Republic. We have laid out precisely how she has violated the Constitution.
But after the stunt she just pulled last night, it is clear for all to see: Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace and must be removed from power!
Already, people on the right and left are calling for Nancy Pelosi to be censured. That is nothing but a slap on the wrist.
No, Nancy Pelosi must be stripped of her Speakership. She has proven that she is unworthy to hold the position.
That is why we are calling on you to join our campaign today! Our message to Congress today is simple: Any Congressman or Senator who refuses to take action against this disgraceful conduct will be seen as endorsing it… and will be held accountable!
But we need your help to blanket Congress with these FaxBlasts!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily