Fellow Conservative,
It’s simply amazing watching the Republican Party squirm as the days pass and the threat of a Homeland Security “shutdown” looms…
All of these so-called “Conservatives” campaigned on the idea that President Obama cannot rule by executive fiat. But when it comes time to actually stand against this Imperial President, these Republicans are literally shaking in their boots.
Senator John McCain has come out and said that the GOP should cave and fund Obama’s amnesty. Even Senator Marco Rubio made waves when he said yesterday that he could not support “shutting down” DHS. Now, his aides have tried to walk back that statement with limited success.
There’s a reason I am putting quotes around the phrase “shutdown.” Here’s what no one is talking about. There are around 230,000 Federal employees who work for the Department of Homeland Security. When DHS “shuts down,” 200,000 of these employees will still be working because they’re deemed to be “essential.” How is that a shutdown? By “shutdown,” they mean that some DHS secretaries will have to stay home.
Why are Republicans caving? Is it because they have no backbone or are they legitimately afraid of being blamed for “shutting down” the Department of Homeland Security?
Just this week, a Federal judge ruled that there was enough evidence for the lawsuit against Obama’s amnesty to go to trial. And as a result, he placed an injunction against the administration, halting the President’s amnesty bureaucracy in its tracks!
This is what we’ve been waiting for!
The amnesty has been halted, at least temporarily. Judge Andrew Hanen has ordered the Federal government to stand down and stop implementing Obama’s amnesty program immediately.
With all of this momentum, why would Republicans start surrendering now, of all times? If a Federal judge has put a stop to the program, then there is absolutely no need to fund it.
That is what Republicans should be saying. The Democrats are filibustering a bill because they want to fund executive actions that a Federal judge believes could not only be unconstitutional but also illegally implemented.
Now is the time to hold firm. But hearing that even Marco Rubio might be caving is a huge red flag.
We put Republicans in power so they could stand up to Obama’s lawlessness. During the midterm elections, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s own spokesman said that the American people would respond to Obama’s amnesty by putting the Senate in Republican hands.
Well, now it is…
What the GOP doesn’t seem to realize is that this isn’t an issue they can simply surrender on. They need to understand that We the People will not accept anything short of complete victory.
The reason that the amnesty fight is taking place now – as opposed to last year when the full budget was passed – is because the GOP didn’t want Democrats to be able to accuse them of shutting down the whole government.
I don’t care if they “shut down” the Department of Homeland Security.
Right now, Republicans and Democrats are playing a game of Chicken, waiting to see which side will blink first. And the Republicans are acting like someone just threw sand in their eyes.
Here’s what you need to do. You need to draw your line in the sand and explain to these cowards that funding Obama’s amnesty is UNACCEPTABLE.
If a Republican Congress doesn’t have the will to stop Obama from issuing illegal aliens Social Security Cards, work permits, and giving them back welfare payments and tax relief, then they need to understand that they have lost YOUR support.
That’s the only thing they fear: losing reelection. If Homeland Security “shuts down,” then the Democrats own it, not us!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily