I was born when Jimmy Carter was president, and I grew up hearing about how Carter was the worst president in American history. As I grew and learned history, I came to disagree with the assessment, believing instead that Woodrow Wilson – the overtly racist, leftist hero for whom myriad elementary schools are named – was our nation’s worst chief.
Impeach and remove Biden immediately, before he can do any more damage to our nation!
Then came Barack Hussein Obama, who took a commanding lead of the title by overseeing the largest expansion of institutionalized communism in American history.
While we could debate the best president in history – it’s either Donald Trump or Calvin Coolidge – the worst president title is now indisputable:
Joseph Robinette Biden is by far the worst leader America has ever endured.
On his inauguration day, Biden signed 17 executive orders that were mostly designed to reverse the Trump Administration policies that brought America unprecedented prosperity and growth.
Never before in history has so much damage been done to our country in so little time. In his first 24 hours as so-called-ruler-of-the-United-States, Biden rejoined the WHO, recommitted to the Paris Climate Accords, destroyed America’s energy independence, and made “equity” official US policy.
In the months since those crucial first 24 hours, his destructive policies have become even worse. Afghanistan, the US Border, Covid-19 policies, vaccine mandates, and more have proven that Biden is committed to the America Last policies of his vice presidency.
It’s no wonder, then, that a majority of American voters believe he should be impeached, according to a new poll conducted by Rasmussen:
“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters support the impeachment of Biden, including 38% who Strongly Support it. Forty-two percent (42%) are opposed to impeaching Biden, including 30% who Strongly Oppose it.” This includes a clear majority of Republican voters and more than half of Independents.
It’s a no brainer. Impeach him for policy or impeach him for his criminal activities with his crackhead son, but impeach him. That is the sentiment of the country. Now you understand why WaPo ran an article on September 1st entitled, “Biden is unpopular but Democrats aren’t.”
Everyone knows this illegitimate vegetable is the worst president in American history.
Since Congress lowered the impeachment bar during the last administration to, “We don’t like you,” their ability to impeach Biden is unimpeded. The body of evidence against 44 is overwhelming, beginning with his selection into the office. The case is even strong enough to make Biden the first impeached president to ever be removed from office by the Senate.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: President Biden engaged in criminal, foreign conduct as documented on the Biden Laptop. He has put our nation at risk by prioritizing the needs of his political foreign allies over the needs of Americans – during a time of national crisis. He repeatedly puts America last in violation of his oath. He must be impeached immediately, and he must be removed from office by the Senate. The Congressional precedent for impeachment has a significantly reduced barrier to entry given the conduct of the prior Congress. You have no other choice than to impeach and remove Joseph R. Biden, recognizing him for posterity as the worst president in US History.
Your oath requires this action. Your constituents demand it.
Impeach and remove Biden immediately, before he can do any more damage to our nation!
Here is today’s letter to Congress.
On his inauguration day, Biden signed 17 executive orders that were mostly designed to reverse Trump Administration policies that brought America unprecedented prosperity and growth.
Never before in history has so much damage been done to our country in so little time. In his first 24 hours, Biden rejoined the WHO, recommitted to the Paris Climate Accords, destroyed America’s energy independence, and made “equity” official US policy.
In the months since, his destructive policies have become even worse. Afghanistan, the US Border, Covid-19 policies, vaccine mandates, and more have proven that Biden is committed to returning to the America Last policies of his vice presidency.
It’s no wonder, then, that a majority of American voters believe he should be impeached, according to a new poll conducted by Rasmussen. This includes a clear majority of Republican voters and more than half of Independents.
It’s a no brainer. Impeach him for policy or impeach him for his criminal activities with his crackhead son, but impeach him. That is the sentiment of the country.
You have a duty to act.
Since Congress lowered the impeachment bar during the last administration, your ability to impeach Biden is unimpeded. The body of evidence against 46 is overwhelming. The case is even strong enough to make Biden the first impeached president to ever be removed from office by the Senate.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: President Biden engaged in criminal, foreign conduct as documented on the Biden Laptop. He has put our nation at risk by prioritizing the needs of his political foreign allies over the needs of Americans – during a time of national crisis. He repeatedly puts America last in violation of his oath. He must be impeached immediately, and he must be removed from office by the Senate. The Congressional precedent for impeachment has a significantly reduced barrier to entry given the conduct of the prior Congress.
You have no other choice than to impeach and remove Joseph R. Biden, recognizing him for posterity as the worst president in US History.
Your oath requires this action. Your constituents demand it.
Impeach and remove Biden immediately, before he can do any more damage to our nation!