Dear Conservative,
Lois Lerner belongs in prison! IRS Commissioner John Koskinen belongs in prison! Everyone who has taken part in executing the IRS cover-up belongs in prison!
It has been well over a year since the IRS scandal broke. Actually, it has been 416 days. And over this time period, despite everything the Democrats have done to hide the truth from the American people, the scandal is now bigger than it has ever been!
We know for a FACT that Lois Lerner was conspiring with other government agencies to target Conservative non-profit groups in the lead up to the 2012 election!
We know for a FACT that Lois Lerner also reached out to the Department of Justice to begin prosecuting Conservative groups!
We know for a FACT that Lois Lerner tried to audit a Republican Senator over nothing!
We know for a FACT that right after the investigation into the targeting began, Lois Lerner’s hard-drive containing her relevant e-mails mysteriously “vanished!” And then, instead of trying to recover the emails, the IRS actually physically melted down the hard-drives!
We know for a FACT that Lois Lerner lied to Congress about her involvement in the scandal! Congress held her in contempt, and even though Congress has the power to throw her in prison, nothing has happened!
The scandal keeps getting worse and worse, but Eric Holder still refuses to prosecute Lois Lerner for her crimes! That has to stop!
Tell Congress you DEMAND that a Special Prosecutor to take over the IRS targeting case!
The Department of Justice has had over a year to take over the case and file charges. But, no surprise, Eric Holder has refused to do so!
Obama continues to claim that this is nothing but a phony scandal. He continues to cling on to the notion that there isn’t a “smidgen of corruption” in the IRS. Meanwhile, the tax agency has settled a lawsuit, paying out $50,000 after admitting to handing over a conservative group’s tax information to its rivals!
President Obama was right. There isn’t a smidgen of corruption in the IRS… the whole damn agency is corrupt!
And this corruption spreads throughout the ENTIRE Obama administration!
It exists in the Federal Elections Commission, whose bureaucrats coordinated with Lois Lerner as she targeted conservative groups!
It exists in the Treasury Department, which coordinated with Lois Lerner to secretly change the rules for political non-profit groups!
And corruption definitely exists in the Department of Justice seeing how Attorney General Eric Holder has repeatedly refused to prosecute these criminals!
I am tired of watching while Congress does NOTHING and allows Lois Lerner and the other criminals in the IRS to get off scot-free!
Lois Lerner belongs behind bars and the only way that will happen is if a Special Prosecutor is assigned to the case!
As long as the Obama White House is in charge of leading the prosecution of these crooks, justice will forever be just out of reach!
Congress must force that a Special Prosecutor take over the case! And the only way that will happen is if we force our Representatives and Senators to demand it!
We will never get the Obama administration to prosecute itself. We must demand a Special Prosecutor!
Tell Congress you DEMAND that a Special Prosecutor to take over the IRS targeting case!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily