Justice is Not Two-Tiered
President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son, Hunter Biden, is nothing short of a direct assault on the integrity of America’s justice system. After being tried by a jury of his peers and found guilty of tax crimes spanning more than a decade, Hunter was set to face the consequences of his actions. Instead, his father stepped in, wielding the power of the presidency to shield him from accountability.
This isn’t just politics as usual. This is a slap in the face to every American who believes in blind justice and the rule of law. Biden’s actions demonstrate a willingness to meddle in the judicial process to protect his family—something no leader sworn to uphold the Constitution should ever do.
Think about this: while Biden uses his power to erase his son’s guilt, countless Americans face harsh sentences for far less. Is this what equal justice looks like? Or is this proof that, in today’s America, those in power and their families live by an entirely different set of rules?
Contrast this with the relentless attacks former President Donald Trump endured during his administration. In 2018, Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff introduced legislation aimed at preventing Trump from using his pardon powers to protect his family. There was no evidence Trump intended to do so, but Schiff and his allies insisted on preemptively accusing him of corruption. Yet now, when Biden openly abuses his authority, Schiff and his peers are silent.
This blatant double standard is a glaring example of how far our judicial system has fallen. Under Biden, the message is clear: if you’re connected, justice can be rewritten to serve your interests. Meanwhile, everyday Americans like the J6ers and Tina Peters are held to not just the full weight of the law but unlawful political persecution, with no one to step in and shield them.
This isn’t just disappointing; it’s outrageous. Americans deserve better. We deserve leaders who respect the justice system, not manipulate it for personal gain. Biden’s pardon of Hunter is a stark reminder that our system is rotting from within, and if we don’t stand up against this corruption, the ideals of fairness and equality that built this nation will be lost.