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It’s Time to Remove and Replace Paul Ryan

Fellow Conservative,

From henceforth, the Speaker of the House will be known as “Paulmost Ryan” because he almost honored his oath to repeal Obamacare. This something he had promised to do for more than half a decade and he came up short by about ten votes yesterday.

The GOP had exactly 7 years to figure out how to repeal and/or replace Obamacare. In that time, they voted more than 60 times to repeal the law. A year ago, Ryan even put a repeal bill on Obama’s desk. Obama vetoed the repeal legislation last January.

That last part really sums up Ryan’s failure. He could get the Republican Caucus to vote for repeal when Obama was President but he failed when it actually mattered.

Paulmost Ryan has to step aside and thanks to yesterday, there are now well over a hundred Congressmen who agree!

Congress has been thinking about this all wrong. The first job isn’t to repeal and replace Obamacare… They need to remove and replace Speaker Ryan!

It is time to kick Ryan to the curb! Please, help us send 100k faxblasts to Congress demanding that they replace Ryan and repeal Obamacare, in that order!

If Paulmost Ryan can’t unite the Republican party to do what they all promised to do – repeal Obamacare – how on earth is he going to get immigration enforcement passed? How can we expect him to get consensus on tax reform, pro-gun bills, or issues like the refugee ban?

The fact of the matter is, we can’t.

So, it is time to remove and replace Speaker Ryan himself.

Now, even some Congressmen on Capitol Hill are starting to float the idea. And it isn’t just the issue of Obamacare. We’re talking about a man who actually tried to get Hillary Clinton elected. This is a man who was recorded saying he would “never defend Donald Trump, not now and not in the future.”

And now he’s the one trusted with enacting the agenda we voted for? No way.

We are calling on all Conservatives to join us and bombard Congress with a two-part message:

1)   They MUST remove and replace Paul Ryan

2)   They MUST pass a clean Obamacare repeal bill; the same bill they passed 60+ times in Congress over the past 7 years.

In that order!

We don’t have to settle. We can do better. Be a part of the movement and help bombard Congress with over 100k faxblasts demanding that Speaker Ryan be replaced and that Obamacare be repealed!

Our goal today is 100,000 FaxBlasts. That is 100,000 pieces of paper being printed out in Congressional offices, whether the Congressmen or Senators like it or not. That’s not something they can just ignore.

Which is why we chose to go with FaxBlasts. Emails can be deleted and phone calls can be ignored. But the sheer volume of paper cannot be pushed aside.

A lot of people are saying that Conservatives “waited seven years” for this opportunity. They're dead wrong. We didn’t “wait.” We fought like there was no tomorrow and clawed this country back, inch by inch. Now, the finish line is in sight and Paulmost Ryan is simply not good enough to get us there.

Every single Republican made a promise to the American people to repeal Obamacare. Either they remove Speaker Ryan and pass a clean repeal bill, or We the People hold them accountable for their broken promise!

You don’t have to settle for this. Join the fight and help us bombard Congress with 100k faxblasts today demanding that they replace Speaker Ryan and repeal Obamacare!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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