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Is Obama Constitutionally Eligible to be President?!?

It’s time to DEMAND that the Obama Machine stop dodging the question! Click here to fax Congress now!

In 2008, American citizens voted to elect Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. as the United State’s 44th President.  But questions regarding his birthplace have left many wondering if Barack Obama is even constitutionally eligible to be the President of the United States of America? This is a question that the Obama Machine has been DODGING since he began his quest to become President of the United States.

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution states “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President”. Is Barack Obama a “natural born citizen” as his Administration maintains or is his prolonged secrecy regarding his birth evidence that he is not eligible to be President?

The phrase “natural born citizen” is widely interpreted to mean being born on American soil or being born of two American citizens. We already know that Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a Muslim citizen of Kenya originally from Jakarta, Indonesia. Therefore, his son does not qualify as the child of two U.S. citizens.  Therefore, the question becomes whether or not Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was born in Hawaii or was he in fact born in Kenya and therefore INELIGIBLE to be the U.S. President? Could this be why the Obama Administration has been so penurious with facts regarding his birth?

CLICK HERE to FAX the White House and DEMAND ALL records regarding Barack Obama’s birth be released for public inspection!

CLICK HERE to FAX Congress and demand they enact legislation codifying Constitutional Eligibility requirements!

On March 15th, the Arizona Senate introduced a bill requiring political parties to swear, under penalty of perjury, that their candidate is eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. Further, the legislation would allow Arizona citizens to file a lawsuit challenging such an affidavit. Shouldn’t this be a FEDERAL law?  Shouldn’t ALL American citizens have the CONSTITUTIONAL right to examine a candidate’s eligibility to be President? 

The Arizona legislation comes on the heels of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into the possibility that the long form birth certificate released by the White House is a FORGERY! Sheriff Arpaio is the head law enforcement officer in Maricopa County, Arizona. The Sheriff took an independent team of law enforcement professionals and investigated Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate.  After his team of law enforcement professionals studied the evidence, they found reason to believe that the birth certificate is a FAKE!!

If true, this would mean the Obama administration purposefully LIED to the American people! Why would he need to lie? The reasoning is simple: Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA, JR. IS NOT CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!

CLICK HERE to FAX the White House and DEMAND ALL records regarding Barack Obama’s birth be released for public inspection!

CLICK HERE to FAX Congress and demand they enact legislation codifying Constitutional Eligibility requirements!

Sheriff Arpaio was quoted saying “The media all came to make fun of me…I’m a little concerned that all of their questions were zeroed in on credibility and that this has been rehashed. They didn’t even ask about the proof of the case. They didn’t ask about the facts that we had.”  The liberal media doesn’t care about the Constitution!!  They only care about keeping their standard bearer in power.

Stand behind Sheriff Apaio and DEMAND that the White House PROVE that the long form birth certificate is not a FORGERY! STOP the degradation of the Constitution and require Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA, JR. to prove once and for all that he is a “natural born citizen”!!

CLICK HERE to FAX the White House and DEMAND ALL records regarding Barack Obama’s birth be released for public inspection!

CLICK HERE to FAX Congress and demand they enact legislation codifying Constitutional Eligibility requirements!

Who else believes that the “President” was born on foreign soil? Barack Obama’s own GRANDMOTHER reportedly claimed that he was born in Kenya! Further, a Kenyan member of parliament has gone on the record to state that Obama was indeed born in Kenya. Now we have a law enforcement officer in the United States saying that there is reason to believe that the released long form birth certificate is a fake. Protect the Constitution and INSIST on a full, independent inquiry into the legitimacy of the long form birth certificate! 

Liberals in the United States are DESPERATE to squelch the notion that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is not a “natural born” U.S. citizen as it would impede their SOCIALIST agenda. A quick look at Obama’s record as Commander-in-Chief demonstrates why he is so important to their cause. In just three years the Obama administration has created Obamacare, nationalized General Motors, and created record-SMASHING deficits.

The Constitution is NOT OPTIONAL!! We need your help to preserve Constitutional mandates and to make certain thatEVERY elected official is held accountable to their oath to “preserve the Constitution”. Act before it is too late!  Enemies of freedom want to make the Constitution a historical artifact rather than the document that protects our fundamental liberties. They must be stopped before the light of President Reagan’s “shining city on a hill” is darkened by the enemies of liberty and capitalism. 

CLICK HERE to FAX the White House and DEMAND ALL records regarding Barack Obama’s birth be released for public inspection!

CLICK HERE to FAX Congress and demand they enact legislation codifying Constitutional Eligibility requirements!


The Conservative Daily Team

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