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Is it government education or INDOCTRINATION of your child?

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Like most liberty loving parents, I believe educational decisions are best made as close to home as possible. In April then, were you as surprised as me to see MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry argued that,  "[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities.”

And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the grand liberal idea that at the time just seemed like the ranting of a particular progressive: Liberals believe that your child really isn’t yours; he or she belongs to the State, and must be indoctrinated accordingly.

To that end, Obama pushed an educational movement called “Common Core,” to make all states common with one standard. Don’t be fooled, it is not a State led initiative, it is a federal program and it will make state standards irrelevant. President Obama promised money and incentives to join and punishments to those who do not join in Common Core.

STOP THE INDOCTRINATION OF OUR CHILDREN AND PROTECT OUR FUTURE…Fax Congress and tell them to fight tooth and nail at the federal level and in their districts to END COMMON CORE!

Here’s what Common Core will bring:

LOWER ACADEMIC STANDARDS. Kentucky did a Common Core pilot program and saw proficiency rates drop by 30 percent. A Stanford University professor says Common Core will put American students two years behind high-achieving countries in math. For example, Common Core math uses percentages to discuss wealthy areas of the country versus poor and explains why being rich is unfair. Classic literature is de-emphasized, and “information” texts such as government documents and technical manuals are encouraged. Training exercises tell teachers to read the Gettysburg Address without emotion and without historical context.

Common Core downplays academics and focuses on attitudes, beliefs, diversity and behavior. For example, “All children must have ethical judgment, honesty or integrity.” Does the government now determine whether our children have a moral compass or not…and if they disagree with the current political party in power, does that mean they fail? No one knows what types of tests our children will take, who will develop them, who will review them, or what a passing or failing score would be.

THE END OF CLASSROOM INNOVATION. There won’t be any more room for outstanding teachers to challenge students and tailor lessons to individual classrooms. For all its emphasis on “diversity” and “sensitivity” training, Common Core offers none. Common Core assures us that ALL teachers will teach the same curriculum and ALL STUDENTS will dutifully learn it, regardless of their individual needs.

There isn’t a child in America who is the same—even kids in the same household have different strengths and learning styles. But Obama wants to get every child in America on the same page, at the same level, in the same way, and he wants to have them beholden to the State for the rest of their lives.

A MASSIVE DATABASE ON OUR KIDS.  A database called inBloom will store your student’s name, address, social security number, blood type, hair color, weight, test scores, nicknames, religion, attitudes, income level, medical history, psychological evaluations, bus stop times and political affiliation. Your child may find themselves strapped into a special chair that measures their posture while a biometric wrap on their wrist records their reactions. There may also be a camera in the classroom recording their facial expressions.

In the past, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protected the privacy of kids. But last year the regulations were changed. Now, every single bit of information a school collects under the Common Core program can be shared among federal agencies and sold to private companies—with no parental consent and in many cases, NO OPT-OUT.

INDOCTRINATION INTO THE UNITED NATIONS ONE WORLD ORDER. Liberals want to claim ownership of our children, and to that end, they need our children to welcome the State as adoptive parents. The Common Core curriculum will teach them they are global citizens and have a right to expect government to provide for them, cradle to grave. “Education for All” is a United Nations program using the same platform as Common Core. Its catchphrases are: Emphasizing equality (the redistribution of wealth) … emphasizing measurability (through surveillance and control) … and emphasizing finance (taking money from the U.S. to promote this agenda).

The program spends 8 weeks on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (teaching through Scientology videos that everyone has a right to social security, a job, housing and to join a union), and much less time on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. On a side note, one of the goals of Agenda 21 is to “educate” our youth. Common Core seems to be the door through which that will happen.

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For a party obsessed with CHOICE, it must only apply to pregnant women. Common Core is completely anti-choice. Every student, every teacher, every classroom, every school, in every district and socio-economic realm is treated the same.

This does not just apply to public schools. Private schools will still be forced to submit to the data collection, and parents who homeschool will find it harder and harder to find textbooks without the Common Core curriculum in them.

And, as always, follow the money: Schoolteacher Chasidy Miroff notes, “The creators of the Common Core standards have now taken jobs with testing companies which stand to make millions of dollars developing tests based on the standards they created."

Common Core has nothing to do with academics and preparing students for college or a career…it is a massive liberal brainwash.

Stop child indoctrination! Fax Congress and tell them to END Common Core before education in America is ruined forever!


Tony Adkins

Conservative Daily

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