Fellow American,
I don’t know if you have seen the video yet, but if it wasn’t obvious, Lois Lerner really doesn’t want to be questioned…
A freelance reporter recently caught up to Lois Lerner in her posh D.C.-area neighborhood and the former IRS bureaucrat was… less than pleased to see a camera and a microphone. She was so incensed that she actually tried to barge her way into a neighbor’s house to get away from the camera.
The whole video is actually cringe-inducing. But the best part is how when Lois Lerner asks her neighbor if she can take cover in his house, the elderly man replies, “I don’t want her in the house!”
This is funny to watch until you realize what is actually going on. For well over a year, Lois Lerner has been a free woman. She has been collecting a $100,000 pension and despite being held in Contempt of Congress, she hasn’t received any punishment at all.
The fact that Lois Lerner is free to walk her dogs and live comfortably in a D.C. suburb while Conservative activists and organizations are still being targeted is an ABOMINATION!
Listen: I understand that Lois Lerner has rights. We all have rights. Many argue that Lois Lerner is merely exercising her 5th Amendment right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination.
Except there is only one problem in all of this…
When Lois Lerner testified before the House Government Oversight Committee, she claimed that she had “done nothing wrong.” She testified that she had committed no crime and then proceeded to plead the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination.
But here’s the question: If Lois Lerner truly did nothing wrong, what does she have to fear from testifying?
She can’t have it both ways… She can’t claim she did nothing wrong and simultaneously claim that she is afraid of incriminating herself!
I mean, think about it… This woman actually tried to barge her way into a neighbor’s house in order to get away from a reporter. Does that look like someone one who is innocent? Do innocent people try to force their way into someone else’s home when they get asked a question?
Of course not!
I hope you’ve been working hard lately, because your tax dollars are going towards funding this woman’s pension… ALL $100,000 OF IT!
That’s right. Lois Lerner abused her authority and weaponized the IRS to attack and silence Conservative groups. She has refused to testify while simultaneously claiming she’s innocent. And even though she remains the subject of an investigation and was held in Contempt of Congress, she was allowed to retire with full benefits and a $100,000/year pension!
But what makes this all so much worse is that the targeting of Conservatives continues! Logan Clements is a film producer who is producing a soon-to-be-released anti-Obamacare documentary. He just announced via a press release that he was being audited for the first time in his life.
Now, we cannot verify whether Mr. Clements deserves this audit. But he is just one of many Conservatives who are left wondering whether their political advocacy has led to them being targeted by the IRS. Last month, Breitbart News, a Conservative media outlet, also reported that it had become the subject of an aggressive IRS audit.
To be honest, Americans shouldn’t have to question whether the IRS is out to get them. That thought shouldn’t even cross their minds. But it does.
It does because this administration still refuses to prosecute these criminal bureaucrats and the Congress is too afraid to punish them. The IRS scandal has essentially been relegated to the backburner.
For God’s sake, the Department of Justice was caught red handed collaborating with Lois Lerner’s department to prosecute Conservative non-profit groups! They’re the ones who should be prosecuting Lois Lerner but they can’t because the DOJ was complicit in the targeting program!
The fact that the IRS is still going after Conservative activists, this close to an election, proves that while Lois Lerner might have retired, her legacy lives on in the IRS!
This ends now! It HAS to end now!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily