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Intrusive, Unconstitutional, Dangerously Ineffective


CLICK HERE to support S. 3302 and S. 3303.   Your voice WILL make a difference!!  Help us SHUT DOWN the TSA and privatize airport security!!!  Together we can protect our rights AND make the skies safer!!


You did it!!  Your grassroots efforts are having an observable impact on the current political landscape!  Earlier in June we brought you a story regarding the across the board failures by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). (Read here:  From lax security procedures to groping and functionally molesting children and the elderly, the TSA does more to terrorize Americans everyday than any terrorist plot uncovered by the TSA.  In fact, the TSA has never uncovered a single terrorist plot in over ten years, even with a yearly budget that has ballooned to over $9 billion. Not one!

In our original story, we asked for your help in demanding that Congress dismantle and privatize the TSA.  We are proud to announce that last week Senator Rand Paul responded directly to your cries and introduced two separate bills: S. 3302 and S.3303 that accomplish our exact goals!  Sen. Paul’s office also released a statement describing the effect of each bill.

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According to the press release, S. 3302 is a “Bill of Rights” for travelers; using the Constitution as a baseline, it establishes minimum protections for passengers seeking to fly commercially.  S. 3303 will dismantle the TSA and require screening programs from the private sector making commercial flight substantially safer and cheaper for the tax payer.

Current pat down techniques used by the TSA are demonstrably unconstitutional as are many of their other invasive procedures.  The 4th Amendment protects us from “unreasonable searches and seizures”.  Police on the street fighting crime are barred from using the same techniques currently employed by the TSA; why should innocent citizens who simply choose to fly have FEWER rights than a common criminal?

CLICK HERE to support S. 3302 and S. 3303.   Your voice WILL make a difference!!  Help us SHUT DOWN the TSA and privatize airport security!!!  Together we can protect our rights AND make the skies safer!!

Thankfully, your voice was heard in the halls of Congress and Senator Paul, who has recently been a victim of TSA’s unreasonable search techniques, decided to become the standard bearer for abolishing the TSA.

As we reported in our last story, Senator Rand Paul was detained by the TSA in January and refused the automatic pat down.  This action sparked a war between Sen. Paul and White House.  Of course, President Barack Hussein Obama took the side of the Constitution-loathing TSA and their lax security procedures; a position the President must be finding to be more and more uncomfortable based on TSA’s continued failures.

In Fort Myers, Florida, 43 TSA workers were fired or suspended for lax security procedures.  In Los Angeles, TSA screeners were charged with drug trafficking.  In New York City, TSA workers were caught stealing from passengers.  The list goes on and on.  Does the TSA sound like an organization that can keep you and your family safe?

CLICK HERE to support S. 3302 and S. 3303.   Your voice WILL make a difference!!  Help us SHUT DOWN the TSA and privatize airport security!!!  Together we can protect our rights AND make the skies safer!!

Sen. Paul’s travelers’ bill of rights would, according to his press release, guarantee travelers a minimum of 17 rights.  Those rights would contain the following:

  • A TSA screener “opt-out” for airports, allowing them access to the Screening Partnership Program (SPP) and private screeners;
  • A one-year deadline to implement a screening process for pre-cleared frequent-flyers at all airports with more than 250,000 annual flights;
  • Authority to permit travelers who fail to pass imaging or metal detector screening to choose to be re-screened rather than subjected to an automatic pat-down;
  • Expansion of canine screening at airports, a more effective and less invasive method of screening passengers for explosives, as well as a strong deterrent;
  • Eliminating unnecessary pat-downs for children 12 years of age or under;
  • Right of parents to stay with their children during the screening process;
  • Guaranteeing a traveler’s right to request a pat-down using only the back of the hand;
  • Protection of a traveler’s right to appropriately object to mistreatment by screeners;
  • Protection of a traveler’s right to decline a backscatter X-ray scan, a screening method with potentially harmful health effects;
  • Protection of a traveler’s right to contact an attorney if detained or removed from screening;

This travelers’ Bill of Rights reconnects airport security with the Constitution.  It creates common sense solutions that allow Americans to fly safely without sacrificing their Constitutional rights.

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We have let the Federal government have their shot at protecting our skies.  Taxpayers fork over $9 billion a year for an agency that, as we have demonstrated, has a shaky track record when it comes to American rights and efficacious screening procedures.  The private sector could easily give travelers more protection for less taxpayer money.  But Congress needs to hear our voice.  They must know that we have an army of supporters that will no longer accept TSA abuses!

Again, thank you for standing up with us; your efforts produced the introduction of a bill, which is VERY impressive.  Each small victory in battle brings us one step closer to winning the war for our Constitutional rights.  That being said, we cannot rest on our laurels.  We must keep fighting.  We ARE making a difference, but we need your voice to continue to push Congress to privatize the TSA and stop the blatantly unconstitutional behavior at nearly every single airport nationwide.  Stand with us today and make our skies safer!

CLICK HERE to support S. 3302 and S. 3303.   Your voice WILL make a difference!!  Help us SHUT DOWN the TSA and privatize airport security!!!  Together we can protect our rights AND make the skies safer!!


Tony Adkins


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