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International Gun Control Gaining Momentum – Stop the Loss of Your Gun Rights

More Trouble for the United Nations Gun Grab Treaty

Senators listening; cosponsorship for S. 2205 increasing

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A few weeks ago, Conservative Daily alerted freedom lovers to a new bill in the U.S. Senate that would thwart the hated U.N. Treaty on Small Arms even if the treaty were ratified.

This is a huge deal. For many years, the globalists at the United Nations have been working hard, in collusion with their socialist allies in American government, trying to circumvent the Second Amendment so as to control YOUR firearms.

It is now thankfully apparent that the Senate—at least in part—is actually listening to constituents who value their gun rights.

Cosponsorship of S. 2205 has increased to 15 as of this writing. This is important because bills with a large number of cosponsors are FAR more likely to receive an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.

Are 15 Senators out of 100 enough to ensure that S. 2205 receives an up-or-down vote this year? Unfortunately, no.

It is therefore imperative that activist pressure be increased to where a much higher number of Senators are FORCED to sign onto S. 2205.

Further, PRESSURE ON THE ENTIRE CONGRESS is required. Any Senate bill has to be passed by the House of Representatives as well, and the Leadership in both chambers talk frequently about what their constituents are demanding must come to a vote.

Click here to contact the Senate, the House, or both!

To remind you of the SPECIFIC dangers of the United Nations Treaty, it would include, at the very least:

  • Establishment of a new UN agency, the Implementation Support Unit, with power to regulate anything having to do with guns that might be sold internationally;
  • A requirement that every country submit its gun control plan to the UN;
  • A requirement for every country to implement internal tracking of all gun sales within its borders (outright registration!); and,
  • A ridiculously expensive requirement for every single of round of ammunition to be stamped with a unique serial number.

And in response to these extremely real, anti-gun provisions (and any others that might be drafted later), Sen. Moran’s S. 2205 would mandate that:

“No funds may be obligated or expended to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States, in connection with negotiations for a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, to restrict in any way the rights of United States citizens under the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or to otherwise regulate domestic manufacture, assembly, possession, use, transfer, or purchase of firearms, ammunition, or related items, including small arms, light weapons, or related materials.”


Congress HAS to support S. 2205 in order to thwart President Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and the gun-grabbers at the UN!


P.S.: The Senate is listening because they have to. But if Americans don’t keep up the pressure, the response to constituents will be “Well, we just didn’t have enough support for a vote, but I appreciate your concerns.” Please, help us today.

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