Over the weekend, Just the News reported that Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s charging document indicates that “any employee for Chinese contractors working on PollChief software had ‘superadministration’ privileges for all PollChief clients.”
Super Admin privileges are the keys to the kingdom of our elections. No wonder the Garland DOJ wanted to stop the local FBI investigation.
Prohibit the use of Konnech in the 2022 midterms. Free and Fair Elections!
Combine these high-powered credentials for Chinese contractors with the CCP-shared IP addresses we reported last week, and you can begin to understand the web of access and influence.
Not only was a CCP website hosted on the same server as critical US elections infrastructure, but Chinese contractors were designated as Super Admins for all US clients of that same infrastructure?
“The agent informed Engelbrecht that ‘two women’ at the FBI’s headquarters believed that Phillips and Engelbrecht were ‘in the wrong for doing this’ and that the D.C. office was now trying ‘to figure out how you guys broke the law to find all of this.’”
A legitimate election fraud investigation was being conducted by the FBI until Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice got involved. Then the investigators became the investigated.
The coverup is always worse than the crime. Eugene Yu’s arrest and the subsequent revelations have completely destroyed their narrative, and they continue to reveal themselves.
Based on the facts, we won’t know the extent of Chinese state access into our elections systems until each locality that uses Poll Chief conducts an independent, forensic investigation into their systems.
They have not done this yet anywhere except LA County, California – which led to the arrest of Konnech’s CEO. Your local elections overseers cannot possibly know the extent of the infiltration and potential damage at this point.
Any bureaucrat, “elected” official, or elections vendor that tells you this was “just poll worker data” or that “this isn’t elections data,” or that their systems have “never been compromised,” is either irretrievably stupid or lying.
Neither option is good for the American People.
Here is today’s letter to Congress.
US PollChief sites are a networked component of US elections infrastructure, in use all over the nation.
These sites share an IP address (server location) with a CCP election site.
Chinese contractors have “Super Administration” privileges and access to these sites.
And FBI HQ tried to cover it all up.
“Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
Does using your sworn office to cover up CCP infiltration of US elections count as giving US enemies aid and comfort? We think it does.
As a matter of record, True the Vote was working with the FBI on this investigation for 15 months, up until April 2022. Then they were informed that the FBI’s ‘Washington D.C. headquarters’ was now involved in the investigation.
“Engelbrecht described how everything changed after this call. ‘There was no more goodwill.’ The agent informed Engelbrecht that ‘two women’ at the FBI’s headquarters believed that Phillips and Engelbrecht were ‘in the wrong for doing this’ and that the D.C. office was now trying ‘to figure out how you guys broke the law to find all of this.’”
Based on the facts, we won’t know the extent of Chinese state access into our elections systems until each locality that uses Poll Chief conducts an independent, forensic investigation into the technology. This has not been done anywhere except LA County – which led to the arrest of the CEO.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Prohibit the use of Konnech in the 2022 midterms. Immediately detain Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland for giving aid and comfort to the Chinese Communist Party by using their Offices to obstruct a lawful investigation.
The safest and most secure election in history? That’s the cover narrative for the coup. You can’t keep pretending this isn’t happening. Stand in the gap for US elections.
Remember your oath.
Prohibit the use of Konnech in the 2022 midterms. Free and Fair Elections!