President Trump is cracking down on illegal border crossings. On top of the drugs and crime that come across the border every day, border security is even more important now in the fight against the coronavirus.
Trump’s swift action closing off our country to travelers from China and Italy helped prevent the virus from spreading as fast as we’ve seen in other countries. Now, Trump wants to finish the job and finally secure the border to stop illegal immigration.
So far this year, Border Patrol agents have caught more than 328 illegal aliens from China crossing the US-Mexico border. Those are just the migrants who have been caught. There is no telling how many successfully snuck across.
An unsecured southern border doesn’t just cause drugs and crime to enter our country, but it also allows disease to enter as well… Every year, almost two thousand illegal aliens end up being transported to hospitals to be treated for infectious and deadly diseases. And again, those are only the ones who get caught. The CDC has spent the last year testing and quarantining captured illegal aliens to prevent diseases from entering the country.
With the coronavirus situation, Trump is now making a push to finally finish the job and secure the southern border. But he is facing pushback everywhere he turns.
Activist judges are blocking border construction and overturning Trump’s border enforcement programs. Just yesterday, the administration was forced to plead with the 9th Circuit to allow border wall construction to resume. With everything that is happening, these activist judges are STILL trying to open up the borders…
The President is trying his hardest, but he simply cannot do it alone. He needs your help right now!
The House and the Senate are getting ready to advance additional coronavirus response bills. Democrats want to spend hundreds of billions on their pet project social programs. Republicans want to bail out the businesses hit the hardest by the virus.
But neither party actually wants to take the necessary steps to protect the American people from this threat. Elizabeth Warren has actually put forward a proposal that would cut border security funding in order to fight the coronavirus. That’s right, she wants to fight the coronavirus by re-opening the border…
When an illegal alien crosses the border, even if they are caught, there is no medical history or travel manifest to go through. DHS officials have no idea if captured illegal aliens have traveled to hot spots or come into contact with the virus.
If the 9th Circuit gets its way and the President is forced to abandon his Remain in Mexico program, Border Patrol and ICE will be forced to readopt Obama’s catch-and-release policy. Think about that for a second. There are liberal activist judges who, in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic, are trying to force the Trump administration to release all illegal aliens into the interior of the country.
If the Supreme Court does not uphold this common-sense program, tens of thousands of illegal aliens will rush the border. That is why Trump is deploying active duty troops to the border.
President Trump is also being blocked from continuing on with border wall construction. More 9th Circuit judges have issued injunctions against the President, even though the Supreme Court has already ruled that Trump can build the wall on his own. The Chief of Border Patrol reported this week that along the 135 miles of new border wall that have just gone up, more than 90% of illegal aliens who try to cross are being captured and deported. Before the wall went up, the capture rate was just 10%…
But right now, construction in many areas has grinded to a halt because of these activist judges…
Democrats are cheering this. These idiots truly want open borders.
As I said, both parties are working on yet another Coronavirus emergency spending bill. They are considering pretty much everything under the sun except for additional border security funding.
President Trump is doing everything he can, but he can’t do it alone. Only YOU can force Congress to fund the border wall and these border security programs!
We need the wall. We need common sense border security. We need Congress to quit playing political games and actually take action to protect the American people.
That is our mission today. We need your help to send 1 million — yes you read that correctly, 1 million — FaxBlasts to Congress today demanding that they fully fund President Trump’s border security initiatives. That means FULL border wall funding, the codification of the Remain in Mexico policy, and the passage of the Secure and Protect Act to close the loopholes that illegal aliens are taking advantage of at the border.
Now is the time to win this fight, but we need your help!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily