We have been calling for Nancy Pelosi to be removed from office for MONTHS.
Now, we have never been closer to making that dream a reality. As you know, Nancy Pelosi unveiled a piece of legislation this week to create a Commission on Presidential Capacity.
Under the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, the President can be removed from office if the Vice President agrees it is necessary and (1) a majority of the cabinet concurs or (2) Congress agrees with the move as well. But the Constitution does not say how Congress has to concur. The amendment leaves it up to Congress to decide on a process.
Up until now, it would have required a vote. Every member of Congress would have to go on the record and reveal whether they want the President to be removed from office. But under Pelosi's new plan, that role would be transferred to an unelected Commission. It would give Congress the power to remove the President without actually having to hold a vote.
Last month, Kevin McCarthy warned that if Nancy Pelosi moved forward with her plan to remove Trump from office, he would initiate the GOP's plan to remove HER from office!
And that is precisely what is happening now!
Under the House Rules, a Speaker can be removed through a process known as the "Motion to Vacate the Chair." Previously, any Member of Congress could introduce this motion and force a vote on it. But after Pelosi took power, she immediately changed the rules to limit who can introduce it as a "privileged" motion. Privileged motions, when introduced, require a vote before Congress can move onto other business.
After Pelosi's rule change, only two Members of Congress can introduce a privileged Motion to Vacate the Chair: The Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer, and Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy. Up until now, McCarthy had refused to take any steps to remove Nancy Pelosi. Now, he has had enough.
This week, McCarthy began meeting with Republicans and Democrats alike to convince them to come on board with his plan to remove Pelosi. And it will take Democrat support to make it happen. Since the GOP only controls 197 seats, that means they need to flip 18 Democrats to vote against Pelosi. That may seem like a tall order, but there are DOZENS of Democrats who are up for re-election in red, Trump districts who hate what Nancy Pelosi has done to them (forcing them to adopt radical positions like impeachment).
If Nancy Pelosi's original vote was held today, she wouldn't win it. Dozens of Democrats would vote against her, simply to save their own hides.
That is why it is so important to force the vote. Forcing Democrats to go on record. Democrats must be forced to publicly state whether they approve of Nancy Pelosi's latest scheme. If forced to hold that vote, you will see a lot of Democrats come out against Pelosi, simply because they can't afford going into an election tied to Pelosi and her radical agenda.
Kevin McCarthy is moving forward and whipping up votes to finally force a vote on Pelosi's removal. But he needs your help to get this across the finish line!
Nancy Pelosi claims that her bill isn't about removing Donald Trump. But during the same press conference, Pelosi justified the bill by claiming that President Trump is in an "altered state"…
There is another possibility, though, and it is actually more sinister. If Joe Biden were to win, Pelosi's Commission on Presidential Capacity would allow a Vice President Kamala Harris to seize power simply by convincing the Commission to install her as President. There wouldn't even have to be an on-the-record vote in Congress…
Even still, it is obvious that Nancy Pelosi is targeting President Trump. Rep. McCarthy promised that if Pelosi went along with her scheme to try to remove Trump, he would initiate the Freedom Caucus' plan to remove her from power.
But he can't do it alone. There are Democrats and Republicans who are pushing back on this, trying to protect Nancy Pelosi from being dragged out of power.
We can still win this fight, but it is up to YOU to force Congress to hold the vote!
Kick her to the curb!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily