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Here We Go: Congress Decides Whether Tara Reade’s Complaint Gets Released

Joe Biden is desperately trying to deflect the allegations he is now facing from a former staff member. Tara Reade has credibly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.

Reade claims that she felt threatened and was too afraid to accuse Biden of sexual assault or attempted rape when she filed a complaint with the Senate. Instead, she says she accused Joe Biden of a lesser charge, sexual harassment.

Last week, Biden broke his silence and announced that he was giving the National Archives permission to search for Reade’s sexual harassment complaint. Joe Biden is refusing, however, to allow investigators to look through his Senate files being stored at the University Of Delaware, claiming there is no way they could be there.

Here’s the problem. Not only was Joe Biden lying about his Senate files, but the National Archives just announced they are prohibited from even releasing them.

At Congress’s directive, HR complaints against Members of Congress cannot be released until 50 years after they are filed. That means that the public is not allowed to read Tara Reade’s complaint until the year 2043…

Don’t let Congress cover up Joe Biden’s crimes! Send your instant FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress pass a resolution to publicly release Tara Reade’s sexual harassment complaint!

During Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, we watched Democrats literally read through his high school yearbook in search of evidence they could use against him. Without any evidence of wrongdoing, they dragged Kavanaugh in to answer the allegations.The left declared that all women have to be believed.

But now that the tables have turned and it is a Democrat being accused of sexual assault, the Left has completely flipped on the issue. Instead of digging for dirt, they have proclaimed there is nothing to see here.

Let me be absolutely clear: If the evidence exists, only Congress has the power to release it. Congress decided that all sexual harassment complaints must remain sealed for 50 years and only Congress can reverse that and release the evidence.

But Congress isn’t going to do this themselves. First of all, Democrats are going to do everything they can to save Joe Biden from himself. But secondly, Congress passed this 50 year law for a reason. They also want to protect themselves…

The American people deserve the truth. If Joe Biden attacked this girl, then the American people deserve to know. Likewise, it he is being falsely accused, then he deserves the right to be vindicated.

But the only way any of that can happen is if the documents are revealed. Only Congress can authorize this and it is up to YOU to demand it!

Don’t let Congress cover up Joe Biden’s crimes! Send your instant FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress pass a resolution to publicly release Tara Reade’s sexual harassment complaint!

This is about getting to the truth. The American people deserve the truth.

Democrats are desperate to protect Biden. Many Republicans also want to keep these records under seal because they are terrified that complaints against them will become public.

Congress will not do the right thing on its own. It is up to you to FORCE Democrats and Republicans to investigate these claims and authorize the documents’ release!

Don’t let Congress cover up Joe Biden’s crimes! Quick, send your urgent FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress pass a resolution to publicly release Tara Reade’s sexual harassment complaint!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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