Fellow Conservative,
It is time to force the GOP to put up or shut up. They run for office on a message of being pro-Second Amendment but then stand aside and allow horrible anti-gun regulations to go into effect.
Remember last year around this time when Obama announce a major string of gun control executive orders? Well he was able to finalize one of them this month and if it is not repealed by an act of Congress, tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of Americans will be immediately disarmed. Over a few years, that number will reach the millions.
Deep within the law is a provision that says if you need help managing your finances, you are automatically considered “mentally defective.”
There is also a provision within America’s gun laws that says if you are mentally defective, you cannot own or possess firearms.
What the Obama administration just did is finalize a regulation to send all of the Social Security Administration’s data into the FBI’s criminal background check system.
If we do not reverse this right now, then hundreds of thousands of Americans will be disarmed!
For years, the Social Security Administration has encouraged beneficiaries to assign what they call “representative payees.”
Essentially, these are family members or friends who are designated by the government and allowed to help manage a beneficiary’s finances.
Sometimes, a Social Security beneficiary reaches the age when they’re no longer comfortable driving a car, so they have a representative payee deposit their benefits checks or pick up their groceries.
Other times, these beneficiaries just need a little help making sure that their bills get paid on time.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the 2nd Amendment is limited to only those who can display financial literacy.
But that is exactly what Obama is doing. Because these elderly men and women checked that box saying they want help with managing their finances, the Obama administration doesn’t even need to get a judge involved in this disarmament scheme.
Think about that: No judge… no jury… but complete disarmament.
Obama is targeting the elderly because they’re less likely to be able to fight back. If someone relies on their Social Security benefits checks to survive, they’re not going to be able to afford a lawyer to take the issue to court.
President Obama sees these men and women as sitting ducks for his gun control agenda because they won’t be able to fight back.
But what he is not counting on is YOU!
Gun rights groups are pleading with Trump to undo this on day one of his Presidency. The Obama administration is working around the clock to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Ultimately, it is going to take an act of Congress to get this rolled back. Until the law is changed to prohibit the Social Security Administration from doing this, they will continue to add elderly Americans to the FBI’s prohibited persons list because the law technically allows them to…
Obama has fully implemented this new gun control executive order this week. Trump can chip away at it, but only Congress can reverse it now. That is exactly what the Social Security Beneficiary Second Amendment Rights Protection Act is designed to do.
This bill is 2 pages long but would stop Obama’s gun control executive order in its tracks. It has over 150 co-sponsors and simply states that the SSA cannot use a representative payee as evidence that a beneficiary is mentally defective. Period.
Only Congress can stop this now and only YOU can force Congress to make this a priority!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily