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GOPers Already Negotiating Surrender on ‘Cheat-by-Mail’ Legislation

I warned this would happen. On Saturday, Nancy Pelosi rushed her Post Office funding bill to the floor for a vote. And just like I predicted, 26 Republicans jumped ship and voted for it. These GOPers fell for the lies and the conspiracy theories.

There is no attempt to sabotage the postal service. Public mailboxes are routinely removed to streamline mail routes and unused letter sorting machines have been removed to allow the USPS to better handle package delivery, something that even Barack Obama's administration supported when they made a similar move.

Nevertheless, Establishment Republicans fell for the lies. The 26 GOP turncoats were Bacon (NE), Balderson (OH), Bost (IL), Buchanan (FL), Rodney Davis (IL), Fitzpatrick (PA), Fortenberry (NE), Graves (MO), Herrera Beutler (WA), Hurd (TX), Joyce (OH), Katko (NY), King (NY), LaMalfa (CA), McCaul (TX), McKinley (WV), Reed (NY), Smith (NJ), Stauber (MN), Stefanik (NY), Stivers (OH), Turner (OH), Upton (MI), Van Drew (NJ), Wagner (MO), and Young (AK).

The Democrats would have been able to pass the bill without these Republican turncoats, but their addition gives Nancy Pelosi much more leverage to force Mitch McConnell's hand. And that is precisely what is happening!

Quick, help us stop the GOP from surrendering! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to kill the Delivering for America Act and the rest of Nancy Pelosi's cheat-by-mail scheme before it's too late!

Mitch McConnell announced that Pelosi's bill — the Delivering for America Act — was "dead-on-arrival." This would normally be good news, but it is what McConnell said next that is really troubling..

"Senate Republicans are committed to making sure the Postal Service remains well equipped to fulfill its important duties. But the President has already made it clear he will not sign the Speaker's partisan stunt into law. And the Senate will absolutely not pass stand-alone legislation for the Postal Service while American families continue to go without more relief."

That bit is important. McConnell's opposition is less about the substance of the bill and more a critique of the fact that Pelosi wants to address Postal Service funding with a "stand-alone" bill. McConnell wants a comprehensive relief package.

This matches our earlier reporting that McConnell and the GOP will agree to Pelosi's vote-by-mail scheme as long as she gives them the coronavirus relief provisions that they want to see passed into law.

In a normal situation, this give-and-take is healthy for our Republic. Usually, this is the kind of compromise that you want to see from Republicans and Democrats.

But in this specific instance, the GOP is offering to "compromise" on a plan literally designed to help one party steal the November election. That is what Pelosi's plan would enable.

She wants to force the Postal Service to re-install unused letter sorting machines because without them, the Democrats' plan for nationwide mail-in voting would be impossible to enact in time for the election.

The GOP isn't mad that the Democrats are demanding this… Republicans are just mad that they are pushing it as a stand-alone bill. They are more than happy to cave to Pelosi's demands as part of a larger relief bill. That way, they can bill it as a "compromise"…

It is disgusting. But here is the silver lining. Our sources initially indicated that there would be many more GOPers flipping and voting for Pelosi's cheat-by-mail bill. While the Democrats got 26 of them to flip, our early count on Friday suggested that number could go as high as 53…

We have talked to a couple congressional staffers who told us that the last minute push from Conservatives against this bill is what stopped more GOPers from voting for it. Your pressure worked!

Now, we need your help to do it again. The Republican Establishment is eager to pass a coronavirus relief bill so that they will stop being blamed by Democrats and the media (even though Pelosi is the one holding it up). And unless you stop them, that is exactly what they are going to do!

Quick, help us stop the GOP from surrendering! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to kill the Delivering for America Act and the rest of Nancy Pelosi's cheat-by-mail scheme before it's too late!

We have covered this in-depth. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want these letter sorting machines re-installed at postal facilities because they are essential to the Left's plan to conduct the November election by mail. Without these machines, the USPS will not have the infrastructure to handle the tens of millions of ballots Democrats want to send through the postal service.

Republicans, instead of attacking this on substance, are taking issue with the "process" that Democrats used. They are okay with voting for this cheat-by-mail scheme, but only if the Democrats agree to give them something in return. Establishment Republicans want their thirty pieces of silver…

This is how the GOP stabs us in the back. They publicly oppose Democrat bills, only to privately slip the provisions into must-pass packages as amendments. And they are counting on you not noticing what they're doing…

But now you do know… Now you know that the GOP is stabbing us all in the back and caving on cheat-by-mail… And with that knowledge comes a responsibility to act!

It is up to you to stop them! It is up to you to rise up and STOP the Establishment Republicans from caving and surrendering to Pelosi's cheat-by-mail demands. And you are running out of time to do it!

Quick, help us stop the GOP from surrendering! You need to send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to kill the Delivering for America Act and the rest of Nancy Pelosi's cheat-by-mail scheme before it's too late!


Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily

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