<p>Fellow Conservative,</p>
<p>I am absolutely livid. Truly flabbergasted.</p>
<p>If anyone ever asks you to define the term ‘coward,’ simply point them towards the Republican caucus.</p>
<p>Now, not everyone in Congress is a coward. There are a lot of brave and valiant Congressmen and Senators who stand for Conservative values. But there are a lot of cowards and those cowards happen to hold positions of power in the party.</p>
<p>This past Thursday marked the 42<sup>nd</sup> anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. Likewise, it was also the 41<sup>st</sup> Annual March for Life.</p>
<p>Half a million people showed up in Washington DC demanding that the rights of the unborn be protected. Those aren’t my numbers… that 500,000 estimate comes from media outlets like the Washington Post (hardly a Conservative outfit).</p>
<p>On this historic day, Congress was poised to take a huge step in protecting the sanctity of life. The House was getting ready to vote on <em>Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act</em>, a piece of legislation that would have banned abortion after the 20<sup>th</sup> week of pregnancy.</p>
<p>If doctors decide at the 20<sup>th</sup> week of a pregnancy that they need to perform surgery on a baby in-utero, they are obligated to give the unborn child anesthesia before operating. Why? That’s because at 20 weeks old, unborn children start feeling pain. Operating on a child without anesthesia would be, at the very least, unethical. At most, it would be a crime.</p>
<p>So, lawmakers in both parties came together and asked a simple question: If doctors aren’t allowed to cause pain if a baby is 20 weeks old, how can anyone justify aborting them?</p>
<p>That bill was supposed to be voted on and Republicans chickened out! They caved under pressure and left us out to dry!</p>
<p><a href="https://advocacytoaction.com/campaign.aspx?id=1229&utm_source=blog&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=1229"> Demand that Congress find its backbone and pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act!</a></p>
<p>When the Supreme Court released its decision in Roe v Wade, it stated that it was unconscionable to abort a baby who had reached the developmental point of viability. The court defined viability as the moment a fetus could “potentially survive” outside of the womb, even with the help of medical aids.</p>
<p>In 2011, a child was born in Europe at 21 weeks and survived, proving that the point of viability is much earlier than the Supreme Court believed in 1973. Another child was born at 21 weeks, 5 days gestation in 2006. Today, she is in Second Grade.</p>
<p>Pro-abortion advocates believe that they have the right to abortion on-demand at any point in their pregnancy. The reality is that numerous court cases support the right of states and the Federal government to outlaw abortions after the point of viability.</p>
<p><a target="_blank" href="http://store.truthgear.net/collections/t-shirts/products/empty"><img src="https://theuntamedtruth.com/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/lazy-load/images/placeholder.png" data-trx-lazyload-src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/advocacytoaction.com/28_483140c3-5551-4e3c-986c-61d247449f10.jpg" alt="Banner_Image"></image></a></p>
<p>So if the science tells us that unborn children feel and register pain at 20 weeks and that children born at 21 weeks have survived outside the womb, how can anyone justify aborting a baby after those points?</p>
<p>Nearly two-thirds (64%) of all Americans agree that abortion should be banned after the 5<sup>th</sup> month of pregnancy. When the pollsters <a href="http://www.aul.org/2013/07/wsjnbc-washington-postabc-polls-show-strong-support-for-late-term-abortion-limits/">asked just women respondents</a>, that number jumped up to 71% in support.</p>
<p>There were half a million pro-life demonstrators waiting outside the Capitol for Congress to finally protect the rights of unborn viable children. What did Congress do? They spit in their faces.</p>
<p>Not all Congressmen were afraid, just a select few. Enough Republicans to stave off the vote.</p>
<p>This is just so shameful. Of all days to cave under the pressure, the GOP chose to surrender on the day of the 41<sup>st</sup> Annual March for Life when they had half a million demonstrators outside waiting for the vote.</p>
<p>I was born premature. I was luckily born into family that would love and take care of me regardless. But every day, I wonder how many children are aborted and not even given a fighting chance to survive. The truth is, that number is in the millions.</p>
<p>It doesn’t have to be this way. Science has advanced since Roe v Wade. Children are able to survive earlier and earlier. But the law hasn’t caught up to the science. True Conservatives in Congress have promised to reintroduce the bill.</p>
<p>It is up to YOU to demand that this legislation be voted on and passed!</p>
<p><a href="https://advocacytoaction.com/campaign.aspx?id=1229&utm_source=blog&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=1229"> Tell Congress that if the unborn can feel pain, they CANNOT be aborted!</a></p>
<p>Max McGuire</p>
<p>Advocacy Director</p>
<p>Conservative Daily</p>