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Gas Prices Rising; Obama Keeps Stalling

The drilling moratorium’s supposedly gone, but where’s our oil?

Click here to fax Congress Now!

How much are you paying at the pump and what can you do about it? YOU CAN DEMAND THAT CONGRESS FORCE OBAMA TO ALLOW REAL DOMESTIC DRILLING.

United States Representative Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), in her April 15th “View from the Capitol” message, lamented that Obama’s permitting process has made drilling for new oil so burdensome as to be nearly impossible. As she stated it, the Obama “Administration has replaced a moratorium with a permit-orium to stand in the way of energy exploration.”

In defending his misguided policy, on Tuesday the president said, “Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we’d still have to rely disproportionately on other countries for their oil.”


Consider that a U.S. Geological Survey report last week put non-U.S. undiscovered oil at 565 billion barrels, while the Energy Information Administration concluded in 2007 that the U.S. had 114.5 billion barrels undiscovered. Not to mention 22.8 billion proven reserve and 60.7 billion inferred reserve barrels. Either way, that’s a good quarter of the world’s supply!

Obama constantly throws out a sound bite of the U.S. having “only 2%” of the world’s proven reserves.” Even if that were true, the number would skyrocket if he would just let companies go get what they know has to be there!

Click here to tell Congress it’s past time to get our oil flowing!

Another laughable claim by the liberal environmentalists is that drilling won’t lead to decreased prices at the pump. If pressed, they’ll usually mumble that it will take so long from approval to refining that it won’t make a difference.

First, any new source of supply known to be coming will immediately make its presence felt in oil speculation. Oil prices will drop in expectation of greater supply, and gas prices will follow right along. But even if it will take awhile, as they claim, that’s just an argument to get started as soon as we can!

The hypocrisy of liberals when it comes to energy prices is just astounding. In July of 2006, a photo-op was organized by House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi to attack President George Bush because of high gas prices. The location? A Washington, DC gas station, right in front of the sign showing $3.19 a gallon. This week, that same station is charging $4.45 a gallon.

And people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama STILL WON’T LET US GET OUR OIL!

Please, right away, fax Congress and demand they insist Obama open up U.S. drilling now!


P.S.: Alaska alone holds 60 years worth of Persian Gulf oil imports, as noted by Sen. Lisa Murkowski in a Washington Post op-ed last year. Karen Herbert, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, testified before Congress this week that Colorado, Wyoming and Utah contain more shale oil than the entirety of Middle East conventional oil. Add in what’s just off our shores, and it’s apparent that we must force Obama to let the oil flow!

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