Fellow Conservative,
When Barack Obama took to the podium last week and announced his plan to legalize up to 5 million illegal aliens, he claimed that he had the authority to do so.
He said over and over that he was only doing what the Constitution allows him to.
But what the administration hasn’t publicized is the fact that the Department of Justice itself even determined Obama’s then-proposed actions to be unlawful.
The DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel drafted a memo analyzing Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration.
“As it has been described to us, the proposed deferred action program for parents of DACA recipients would not be a permissible exercise in enforcement discretion,” wrote Justice Department attorney Karl Thompson for the Office of Legal Counsel’s opinion.
Yes, even Obama’s DOJ determined his executive order is illegal and unconstitutional.
Even worse? This was delivered to the White House on November 19th. The next day, Obama completely ignored the OLC’s analysis and unilaterally implemented de-facto amnesty for illegals anyway!
Now we’re hearing that the GOP is just going to sit back and let it happen. Congresswoman Michelle Bachman – who is retiring from Congress – is warning that the Republican leadership is just going to watch as the President guts our constitution and changes our laws on his own!
How unbelievable is that? The President asked the Office of Legal Counsel to examine his executive action and when they opposed his decision, he just completely ignored them and claimed to have legal justification.
We’ve all heard the media claim that Obama is allowed to do this because previous Presidents have used executive orders to fix immigration loopholes. They specifically pointed at Ronald Reagan.
First of all, Ronald Reagan’s illegal alien executive order affected something like 100,000 people and was done to close a loophole in a bill that Congress had just passed.
Obama’s executive action will legalize upwards of 5 million illegal aliens. That is UNPRECEDENTED!
And there aren’t loopholes in our immigration laws. The only “loophole” is that the President can just suspend deportations on a whim!
A large amount of Obama’s legal “justification” for suspending deportations is the fact that he doesn’t have enough resources to deport every single illegal alien. Given these budgetary restraints, he claims he needs to prioritize.
Here’s an idea: Congress should give Obama an absurd amount of money earmarked specifically and ONLY for deporting illegals. Then, defund the rest of his proposals.
If Congress does this, the President’s executive actions lose all of their legal “justification.”
But Congress is too afraid to do anything. They left town without even drafting a plan to fight this unconstitutional and lawless action.
The House of Representatives finally filed its lawsuit against Obama but made no mention of his unconstitutional immigration orders.
The Founders knew this day would come and they left Congress with two ways to confront executive tyranny: impeachment and rescission/defunding bills.
The Power of the Purse is one of Congress’ greatest weapons against Executive overreach. The number one way to stop Obama’s amnesty is to make it illegal for the Executive Branch to spend even one CENT on his plan.
It’s this simple: Not one cent goes to printing work permits for illegal aliens and it needs to be made illegal to use discretionary funds to launch the program!
We need to give Congress a backbone. We need to demand that they draw a line in the sand and refuse to give up even one inch.
We’re getting closer to that date where Congress needs to pass a budget to fund the government.
Obviously this is Obama’s executive action. But the only way it succeeds is if Congress allows that funding to remain in the final spending bill.
Obama’s own DOJ admits his executive action is illegal. A multitude of independent experts agree as well.
But Congress is too afraid to act!
We need to put the fear of God into these people. If they fail or refuse to act, then this is their amnesty, not Obama’s! And we need to threaten to remove every Congressman and Senator who’s too afraid to honor his or her oath!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily