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Don’t Trust Paul Ryan

Fellow Conservative,

They say that a rabid dog stops barking just before it bites.

For days, we’ve gotten word out of Washington that Paul Ryan was going to be meeting with Barack Obama.

The word was that the President would demand the full funding of his gun control executive orders before signing any other piece of legislation.

There’s no doubt that the President’s gun control executive orders were unconstitutional and despotic in nature, but they remain dead in the water without funding. The magic number? $80 million. That’s how much the President needs to make the first step of his gun confiscation plan a reality.

Make no mistake, that is exactly what this is. He is laying the groundwork for confiscation.

–       He outright instructed the Social Security Administration to confiscate guns from disabled beneficiaries.

–       He has instructed doctors and physicians to report to the FBI directly if they think their patient should have his/her guns taken away.

–       Obama has called for the hiring of more ATF agents which, he claims, is to run more background checks. The only problem is he is lying through his teeth. The ATF doesn’t perform NICS checks. That’s the FBI’s job.

The whole thing smells.

What is even more disturbing is that Paul Ryan actually might give the President this money. I hope that I'm wrong. Truly, I do. But the quieter it gets, the more likely he is to cave.

For a RINO, $80 million is a small price to pay to get other policy issues pushed through. Gun rights have never been Paul Ryan’s issue. Don’t think for a second that he wouldn’t sell us all out to get the President’s support for one of his pet projects.

Don’t let Paul Ryan give even an inch! FaxBlast Congress and demand they defund all of Obama’s gun control programs!

The Founders were right. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

The fact that Paul Ryan’s meeting with the President has completely disappeared from the headlines is a horrible omen. If the Speaker of the House was meeting with Obama and it would benefit us, you can be sure he’d tell us all about it. Instead, Ryan has gone dark.

This is not good.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has come out this week and declared that funding the gun control executive orders is non-negotiable.

In a way, she’s right. This isn’t a negotiation. Our 2nd Amendment rights are off the table.

The problem? It’s negotiable for Paul Ryan just like it was negotiable for John Boehner. Conservative principles always seem to be negotiable with this Congress…

This has to stop. It simply MUST stop!

But what are you going to do with it? Are you going to wait for the dust to settle and fight from behind? Or will you stand with me now and put a stop to this cowardice once and for all?

Not one-step backwards! FaxBlast Congress and STOP them from funding Obama’s gun control agenda!


 bcvxJoe Otto
Conservative Daily


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