Fellow Conservative,
“Don’t let a good tragedy go to waste.”
That’s the Democrats’ motto.
Like clockwork, the Democrats are taking the worst attack on law enforcement since 9/11 and using it to push for gun control.
The Dallas shooter was ex-military. He received an honorable discharge. He had no criminal record. He purchased firearms legally and passed the requisite background checks. He was not on any watch list, nor was he on anyone’s radar. The firearm he used was imported legally as a hunting rifle and converted to resemble an AK-47.
There is literally nothing that could have been done to stop him from launching his attack. Yet, the Democrats are pushing the same, tired gun control nonsense.
Last week, we received the good news that Paul Ryan decided to postpone the RINO’s gun control bill indefinitely. Patriots like you raised their voices and forced the GOP to back down.
Now, Democrats are using the Dallas shooting to fight back. They are circulating a discharge petition to circumvent Paul Ryan and force a vote on gun control this week!
Typically, the Speaker of the House has the power to decide what bills come to the floor for a vote. However, the House Rules allow for what is known as a discharge petition. If enough Congressmen sign the petition, then the Speaker of the House is forced to schedule a vote on the bill.
A discharge petition in the House of Representatives requires 218 votes. This is a basic majority.
The petition to discharge the “No Fly, No Buy” terror watch list gun control bill now has over 180 signatures!
Democrats are also starting to circulate discharge petitions to create a universal gun registry and arbitrarily ban certain pistols and rifles.
Once every Democrat signs these petitions – which they will – they will need just a couple dozen Republicans to join their cause and then they can force passage of gun control legislation.
I know this is tiring, having to hear about all the nonstop threats to your 2nd Amendment rights. But the Democrats are relentless.
The unfortunate fact is that they only need to succeed once. They only need to push through one gun control bill. There’s no prize for us Conservatives stopping 99% of gun control bills…
Maintenance of the Bill of Rights requires constant vigilance. As Thomas Jefferson said, that is the price associated with liberty.
We succeeded in stopping Paul Ryan from holding a floor vote last week. He was hell-bent on forcing gun control down our throats, but the people rose up and put a stop to that.
Now, Paul Ryan’s liberal and RINO allies are pushing forward anyway and hoping to file a discharge petition to force a vote on these horrible gun control bills by the end of the week!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily