Feds Refuse to Prosecute IRS Cases!
Dear Patriotic Conservative,
Thursday the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a contentious hearing attempting to get to the bottom of the IRS scandals. Many thought Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) was going to take the scandal trail all the way to the White House. However, Issa backed off and said, “I’ve never said it was the President behind this. I’ve never said he led it.” But he did make implications.
Elizabeth Hofacre (of the IRS office in Cincinnati) testified that she received instructions from Washington, DC’s IRS Lawyer Carter Hull. Hull also testified and implicated IRS Chief Counsel’s office, headed by William J. Wilkins (an Obama appointee). It was abundantly clear that the targeting of conservative and Christian tax-exempt groups originated in Washington, DC—NOT in Ohio as President Obama originally claimed.
The Internal Revenue Service has already been put “ON NOTICE” by Americans due to the numerous revelations that they went after conservative political groups and Christian causes, making many wait for over 600 days to receive their tax-exempt status. However, this week’s earlier revelations about the IRS are just as shameful.
The Treasury Department has disclosed that confidential tax records were inappropriately examined by government officials—YET THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT HAS DECLINED TO PROSECUTE ANY OF THE CASES!
Tell Congress to appoint a Special Prosecutor for the IRS!
J. Russell George, the Internal Revenue Service Inspector General, was also vehemently grilled in yesterday’s hearing. He divulged illegal spying by the IRS in a letter to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee.
He wrote that a review turned up four cases since 2006 in which unidentified government officials took part in “unauthorized access or disclosure of tax records of political donors or candidates.” George added: “But the case was declined for prosecution.”
George also told Grassley he is investigating two cases where the IRS may have improperly targeted political candidates for audit. He would not reveal the identity or the political party of the people involved in any of the cases. Many have given the name of Christine O’Donnell who ran for U. S. senator from Delaware. The IRS targeted her the very day that she announced her candidacy.
U.S. Senator Grassley reacted quickly: “The Justice Department should answer completely and not hide behind taxpayer confidentiality laws. With the IRS on the hot seat over targeting certain political groups, it’s particularly troubling to learn about ‘willful unauthorized access’ of tax records involving individuals who were candidates for office or political donors. The public needs to know whether the decision not to prosecute these violations was politically motivated and whether the individuals responsible were held accountable in any other way."
Grassley immediately fired off an urgent letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, asking for response. The Senator wrote: Although this may not be indicative of wide spread targeting, any instance is cause for concern…but criminal prosecution was declined. Decisions such as these directly impact the political process and should be subject to the scrutiny of the American public.”
The fingers are once again pointed at U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. So don’t hold your breath! We must mandate action by our Congress. Demand transparency!
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We need an independent special prosecutor to expose and stop it all!
Don’t wait for someone else to speak up…today’s the day we all say NO MORE!
Everyone can see this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the latest government scandals. How BIG is the iceberg? When the IRS admits to SPYING on political candidates (not just individuals’ tax returns, or stalling conservative or Christian tax exempt statuses), you know there is a major problem!
Let Congress know how you feel about this expanded ILLEGAL INTIMIDATION by the Internal Revenue Service!
Tell Congress to investigate the IRS!