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Do Not Be Distracted Or Fooled

Contrary to earlier media reports—We want to bring you very important story again!  Don’t be fooled by the distractions of both the media and this Administration.


NBC News admitted there were only four handguns used to carry out these outrageous murders.  By the way, this directly contradicts other liberal news reports.

Pete Williams, NBC’s chief justice correspondent, spoke:

“This continues to be a very complex investigation and there is a lot of contradictory information out there, but we have some new information this morning (one month ago!) from both federal officials and state officials.

“They say now that there were actually four handguns inside the school, not just two as we were initially told: Four handguns and apparently only handguns that were taken into the school.  We knew that Adam Lanza, the man said to be the gunman here also had an ‘assault-style’ AR-15-style rifle that he had taken to school.  It was in the car he drove there, his mother’s car.  But we have been told by several officials that he had left that in the car.”



Yet President Barack Obama continues his anti-gun agenda by letting America believe that this massacre had assault rifles attached to it. NOT SO!!

President Obama told the American people—excuse us, MIS-LED the American people, that an AR-15 assault rifle was found, but he did not tell us the fact that it wasn't used! Instead, President Obama was using the possible use of an assault rifle as “leverage” to promote his anti-gun agenda!  This was all for political purposes!

The bottom line fact:  The only weapons recovered from the body of the Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza were a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer pistol!  That is all!

As tax-paying, pro-gun patriots, we must keep the pressure on all of Congress to VOTE NO on gun control—VOTE YES to preserve our Second Amendment rights!

Just because we lost the first battle…cloture on the gun bill S. 649—does not mean we will lose “the war”!!  Gun control will not happen!  Our Second Amendment to the United States Constitution will be saved!  But we must keep the pressure on. Tomorrow may be too late!

The filibuster that we supported was voted down thanks to the “turncoat” Republicans who voted against the filibuster.  The NRA is taking note.  We are taking note of these soft Republicans.

Fax Congress NOW!

We are calling the Republicans who voted against the filibuster OUT. Here are their names:  Senators: Lamar Alexander, (TN); Kelly Ayotte (NH); Richard Burr (NC); Saxby Chambliss (GA); Tom Coburn (OK); Susan Collins (ME); Bob Corker (TN); Jeff Flake (AZ); Lindsey Graham (SC); Dean Heller (NV); John Hoeven (ND); Johnny Isakson (GA); Mark Kirk (IL); John McCain (AZ); Pat Toomey (PA) and Roger Wicker (MS).

We will vote you out of office!!   

Lanza’s assault rifle was still in the trunk of his car—actually, it belonged to his mother!

The push in the Senate for gun control is not as “welcomed” in the U.S. House of Representatives!  Only a few House Republicans have embraced the Toomey-Manchin compromise!  Remember, the House must also vote on S. 649—or a House committee will come up with a “compromise” between the two legislative bodies.  That is why your fax is so vitally important this very moment!

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) pronounced this: “Listen, our hearts and prayers go out to the families of these victims.  And I fully expect that the House will act in some way, shape or form.”

It is up to YOU to help mold that “shape and form!”

The Second Amendment, as written by our founding fathers, literally guarantees Americans the right to own and bear arms, guns.  But, unless we fax NOW, that time is gone!

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Here is the absolute bottom line of Sandy Hook:  The murder of innocent lives in Sandy Hook had absolutely nothing to do with assault weapons and everything to do with mentally unbalanced people!

We must hold these “soft” Republicans who did not go along with the filibuster and every Member of the House of Representatives’ feet to the fire on gun control!  Their vote determines if they are re-elected.  Depending upon their vote, YES, they will be voted out of office!

We echo the sentiments of Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), when he stated: “I’m very concerned that if there’s any language that infringes on the Second Amendment, I’m not very interested in supporting that type of proposal!”  Do you agree?

Your fax is very critical when our gun freedoms are ready to be taken away by this legislation!  NOW IS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH!!  Please fax right now.  If you value your Second Amendment Constitutional rights, you MUST fax today both to Senators AND Representatives. Faxing will keep the pressure on to DEFEAT Gun Control!

  Fax Congress NOW!


Tony Adkins


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