Never underestimate the Democrat Party. Just when you thought they couldn’t get any lower, they always find a new way to surprise you.
Yesterday, Reps. Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Greg Walden (R-OR) introduced an amendment to a Democrat health bill. Their amendment — the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act — is remarkably simple: doctors and nurses would be required, by law, to provide live saving and resuscitative care to all babies born alive.
This shouldn’t be controversial. Nearly 80% of all Americans support this bill, and that includes a majority of people who identify as abortion supporters. Three Democrats voted their conscience — Peterson (MN), McAdams (UT), and Lipinski (IL) — and had the courage to cross party lines and vote with the GOP on the bill. But the rest of the Democrat Party voted to shoot it down.
Why? They believe that when babies are born alive after botched abortion procedures, parents and doctors should still be allowed to kill them…
It was the same story in the Senate. Three Democrats — Jones (GA), Manchin (WV), and Casey (PA) voted to make it a felony for doctors to kill unwanted newborn babies. The rest of the Democrats voted to keep it legal.
This isn’t even an abortion issue. Regardless of whether you believe abortion should be legal or not — we strongly believe it should be illegal — this bill deals with newborn babies that are born alive. Killing a newborn baby is murder. It is infanticide.
And Democrats just voted to keep it legal.
I cannot fathom how evil someone would have to be to murder a newborn baby. But make no mistake, that kind of evil exists. In Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic, Born-Alive babies were suffocated, left to die in freezers, and even stabbed to death with scissors, all because they were not “wanted.”
Democrats just voted in support of post-birth abortion, the idea that if an abortion fails and the child survives and is born alive, women should have the right to try again. This is disgustingly barbaric.
And yet that is how the Left voted this week…
But there is a silver lining. Democrats were left squirming after this vote. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) skipped the vote entirely out of fear that it would hurt her Presidential campaign. And as mentioned, the pressure forced 6 Democrats to break ranks and support the common sense provision.
We also know that the pressure that we are putting on the GOP is working. The Senate voted on this bill last year and then Mitch McConnell tabled it. Usually, that is the end of it. Legislation almost never gets a seconf vote. But not only did your FaxBlasts put pressure the Republicans to force another vote, but it also flipped to pro-abortion GOP Senators. Last time, Susan Collins (ME) and Lisa Murkowski (AK) voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. After our year-long pressure campaign, they switched their votes this time.
You did this. You kept fighting and forced the GOP to keep pushing forward. But you cannot afford to let-up…
Every year, hundreds of babies are born alive as the result of botched abortions. And without this legislation, they are absolutely helpless.
We must keep fighting. We must keep pressuring Republicans and Democrats alike and FORCE them to protect the most vulnerable among us!
That is why I am calling on all Conservatives to join today’s FaxBlast campaign and FORCE Congress to push forward on this life-saving bill, no matter how long it takes.
In the past, when pro-life bills like this one have failed to pass, the GOP has always thrown up their hands and accepted defeat. No more!
Youcannot let the GOP sit on this legislation for another year and you certainly cannot let Democrats get away with their vote to support infanticide.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily