More Republicans just flipped and are helping Democrats block the new border wall construction!
This week, the Pentagon officially complied with Donald Trump's illegal immigration national emergency declaration and reprogrammed funds to the the border wall project. This now brings the total budget for 2020 border wall construction up to over 8.1 billion in funding.
The law is clear on this. Donald Trump has the legal authority to reprogram Defense Department funds to confront national emergencies. The Supreme Court has also said that Trump's executive order to build the wall is constitutional.
While Trump has the power to reprogram these funds, Congress also has the authority to claw them back. The Founders called this the power of the purse.
But Republicans are still furious. Over the last week, we have profiled the 25 GOPers in the House and Senate who are threatening to block border wall construction.
They are Representatives Amash (MI), Fitzpatrick (PA), Gallagher (WI), Herrera-Beutler (WA), Hurd (TX), Johnson (SD), Massie (KY), Rodgers (WA), Rooney (FL), Sensenbrenner (WI), Stefanik (NY), Upton (MI), and Walden (OR) and Senators Alexander (TN), Blunt (MO), Collins (ME), Lee (UT), Moran (KS), Murkowski (AK), Paul (KY), Portman (OH), Rubio (FL), Romney (UT), Toomey (PA), and Wicker (MS).
These are the Republicans who voted with Democrats earlier in the year to revoke Trump's border emergency. They ultimately lost that fight, but these Republicans aren't giving up.
We can now confirm that these GOPers are working with Democrats to finish the job and pull all of the funding from the border wall!
After the Pentagon made the announcement, Sen. Susan Collins (shown above) decided to hold a press conference condemning the President. She accused him of "exceeding his authority." Mitt Romney also jumped in and promised to work to undo the executive order.
We knew this was coming. We knew that the RINOs would race to stop the President.
But what we didn't expect was that more Republicans would turn against the border wall. Senators Martha McSally (AZ), Thom Tillis (NC), John Cornyn (TX), and Cory Gardner (CO) are all up for re-election next year. They also all represent states that just lost military construction funding as a result of the border wall project. And they are furious.
All four of these Senators are facing tough re-election fights. They think they can save their political careers by blocking the border wall project.
They claim to support the border wall construction, but object to how President Trump is doing it.
This is what we always hear from the GOP. John McCain voted against the Obamacare repeal bill because he didn't like how it was bending the Senate rules. Even just a couple years ago, Susan Collins introduced a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. But today, she opposes how the Trump administration is going about defunding the abortion giant. Paul Ryan promised to pass pro-gun legislation in 2016 but when it came time to hold the votes, he claimed that the timing wasn't right.
Now we are seeing it on the border wall issue. All of these Republicans voted to fund the wall construction. But now that Trump is using his executive power to move the project forward, they are teaming up with Democrats to stop him because of "principle."
This is how the GOP operates. They make promise after promise and then have nothing but excuses for why they can't deliver. They would rather keep the border wide open than allow Trump to build even a mile of border wall on his own…
And now the number of GOP defections has grown to over 30!
Starting on Monday, Congress will begin debating the 2020 spending packages.
The Homeland Security spending bill includes an amendment to shut down all border wall construction. The Defense spending bill would claw back the national emergency funding and make it illegal to use any Pentagon funds to secure the border. Even the Health and Human Services appropriations bill includes amendments that would force Trump to start releasing captured illegal aliens.
But instead of fighting back against these poison pills, the GOP is now teaming up with Democrats to push them through.
This is the biggest fight we have ever faced. If even one of these surrender bills passes, then the border wall project is finished. And more Establishment Republicans are flipping every day.
We can still stop this together, but we need your help!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily