Democrats are trying to sneak a new gun control bill through by attaching it to the next stimulus package.
Their bill — the Untraceable Firearms Act of 2020 — would make it illegal for law abiding citizens to build their own firearms, either from scratch or using a parts kit. It would redefine federal law to define firearm parts as firearms themselves.
The result would be that anytime an American wants to build, upgrade, or even repair a firearm, they would need to ask the federal government for permission first.
Democrats say that it is more important than ever to push this bill through. You see, even today, there are states and cities around the country that have refused to allow gun stores to re-open. Many gun owners have instead turned to building their own firearms at home for personal use. Under federal law, this is completely legal. If you are legally allowed to own a gun, then you are legally allowed to build a gun as long as you do not intend to sell it.
Democrat governors and mayors created the surge in homemade firearms by shutting down gun stores. Law abiding gun owners found a way to get around the closures by building their own firearms from parts kits. Now, the Left wants to use that surge as an excuse to ban homemade firearms all together!
We know that the Democrats' ultimate goal is firearm confiscations. They truly believe that Americans cannot be trusted with privately owned firearms.
A confiscation scheme is impossible, however, without some form of firearm registration. It makes sense: in order to take away people's guns, the Left needs to know who has the guns.
The Left believes they can accomplish that through what they call "universal background checks." Right now, if you want to buy a gun from a gun store, you have to notify the government and receive permission. Democrats want to expand that to include private sales and transfers as well. Their goal is to make sure that any time a firearm changes hands in this country, there is a government record of it.
But they know that their registration scheme would be incomplete. As long as Americans are able to build their own firearms, a complete registry of American guns and gun owners is impossible. That is the purpose behind the Untraceable Firearms Act of 2020.
We know that Democrats are supporting this. Any piece of legislation designed to chip away at the 2nd Amendment is alright with them. But amazingly, there are also Republicans lining up to support the bill as well. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) has said that it would 'make sense' to redefine firearm parts as firearms themselves. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is also on record saying that the laws covering homemade firearms need to be made stricter. When the current legislation governing homemade firearms came up for a vote in 2013, not a single Senate Republican rose in opposition. It passed the Senate by unanimous consent. It passed in the House by a voice vote, meaning that the Yays and Nays weren't even recorded…
Democrats are hoping that they can do it again with the coronavirus. They are scheming to attach this gun ban to the phase four stimulus bill.
They are hoping they can do this without you knowing about it. But now that you know, you MUST rise up and stop them!
We were able to catch this before it got added as an amendment to the next spending bill. That means we have time to kill this bill before it gets any further.
But as I said, GOPers are already lining up to support this. The Democrats only need to flip a couple more and they will have all they need to pass this new gun ban into law.
That is why it is so important to fight back and kill this bill before they are able to push it through!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily