Fellow Conservative,
I didn’t want to have to write this. I prayed that I wouldn't have to. I didn’t want to have to bring this up so soon after the shooting. But thanks to the Left, I have no choice.
Earlier this week, as you probably know by now, a disgruntled former news reporter shot and killed two of his co-workers live on television. The shooter was a Black man and, according to his manifesto, he wanted to finish the race war that the Charleston shooter had started. All three of his victims were white.
So let me get this straight… When a white man kills an African American, it is automatically considered a hate crime. But when an African American man kills two white people, admitting that he wanted to wage a race war, it’s the gun’s fault? And when African Americans kill each other, well, that doesn’t fit into the Left’s talking points so they just ignore that…
There’s no doubt in my mind that the White House will try to label this as workplace violence. They did that with Nidal Hassan, a confessed terrorist who killed 13 people at Fort Hood…
But I’ll tell you what I am tired of. I am tired of gun control advocates lying and campaigning off of these tragedies. The shooter wasn’t even caught yet and White House Spokesperson Josh Earnest was already spouting the same old nonsense, claiming that we needed more gun control laws to stop things like this from happening. Hillary Clinton said the same thing.
The scumbag bought the gun legally. He put a deposit down on the pistol two days after the Charleston shooting. So not only did he pass the background check but he bought the gun months ago. A waiting period would have been pointless.
He didn’t use a so-called “assault weapon,” nor did he buy the gun at a gun show. So why the hell are Democrats pushing their same failed policy proposals? Because they are masters at manipulating tragedies.
I feel for the families of the victims, I really do. I can’t even imagine the pain they must be feeling right now. Alison Parker’s father went on Fox News and said that he is dedicating his life to the pursuit of more gun control.
If this happened to me and one of my loved ones was pointlessly gunned down, I might feel the same way.
But there isn’t a SINGLE gun control proposal out there, short of complete confiscation, that would have stopped this tragedy.
The gun control movement is based on trying to convince Americans that if certain policies were enacted, tragedy would be averted. They have been doing this for decades. Then, when the tragedies occur anyway, they say it is because the laws didn’t go far enough so we need more of them.
Right now, top Democrats in Congress are gathering to plan the next assault on the Second Amendment. They’re meeting with all the usual suspects, the White House included, to discover new ways to infringe on YOUR rights.
For years, the Left has said they aren’t interested in taking guns away from law abiding citizens. But in this case, the shooter didn’t break any laws until he un-holstered his pistol and pulled the trigger.
The new call to action on the gun control side is to “stop the easy access to guns.” In the gun grabbers’ minds, “easy access” is apparently defined as buying a pistol at a Federally licensed gun store and passing a background check, because that is what the shooter did.
If that is what is being proposed, then we’re all in the crosshairs now!
This is their new endgame. Instead of focusing on banning certain weapons, they want to make it next to impossible to buy any weapon.
This is why we fight. The founders were right; the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
The storm clouds are gathering around us and this time they aren’t going after cosmetic attachments or magazine size. They don’t care about what the gun’s called or what it looks like. Instead, they want to make it harder for everyone to buy any gun. They are going after the very notion of sovereign citizens purchasing firearms. The threat has never been more real and we cannot afford to sit back and wait to play defense anymore.
Democrats think it's too easy to buy a gun. Send your FaxBlasts to stop this new gun control push!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily