Fellow Conservative,
Before John Boehner resigned, he set up a Select Committee to Investigate Planned Parenthood. Even a broken clock is right twice a day…
As you remember, this all got kick-started when Planned Parenthood executives were caught on camera haggling over the price of aborted baby body parts and offering to sell them for profit.
The investigation into Planned Parenthood has one main goal: to determine whether the abortion provider broke the law.
The law they were accused of breaking is 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2 and it reads as follows:
“It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.”
This is a big deal. A congressional investigation is no laughing matter, especially one that is investigating alleged criminality.
Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi announced the six Democrats who would be on the committee. They are Reps. Jan Schakowsky (IL), Jerrold Nadler (NY), Diana DeGette (CO), Jackie Speier (CA), Suzan DelBene (WA) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ). She applauded them as strong supporters of abortion rights.
The one thing she didn’t mention during her press conference is the fact that Planned Parenthood has paid each and every one of them!
When the committee was originally formed, we posited that it would be hard for Nancy Pelosi to find Democrats for the committee assignment that had no conflict of interest in the matter.
Well, apparently that wasn’t her concern at all because every single Democrat appointed to the committee has received campaign donations from Planned Parenthood.
These 6 Democrats received over $20,000 in campaign donations in 2014 alone!
They are ‘investigating’ an organization that helped to finance their campaigns. What a sham.
How can they possibly be impartial? We’re not talking about donations from other pro-abortion groups. We are talking about campaign donations directly from Planned Parenthood, the organization they are supposed to be investigating.
It’s a clear conflict of interest. These people cannot be trusted to objectively investigate this. In the last election cycle, Planned Parenthood gave over $400,000 to Congressional Democrats.
Planned Parenthood spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year trying to prop up House Democrats. How could we, in good conscience, allow anyone who received campaign donations to participate in investigating one of their donors? Practically every Democrat has, at some point, received this blood money. The entire party has a conflict of interest.
Why should they be allowed on this investigatory committee when their only purpose will be to disband and sabotage it?
If a judge received campaign donations from someone he was supposed to try, then he would have to recuse himself due to a conflict of interest. The same would go for a district attorney. That is what honorable people do.
Planned Parenthood gave these Democrats money to protect their interests on Capitol Hill. Every single dollar donated has strings attached. Make no mistake, when Planned Parenthood executives take the stand, they will call in those favors and start pulling the strings.
The House rules allow for members to be removed from committee assignments when a clear conflict of interest is discovered. In this case, it’s not just one committee member who received donations… Every single Democrat on the Select Committee received this blood money.
All it takes is one vote but first you need to get loud and demand it!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily