Fellow Conservative,
I hate when Congress thinks we are too stupid to see through their lies.
We have been pushing hard to get Congress to honor its oath and take down Obama’s amnesty program before the Liberal Justices on the Supreme Court approve it.
Last year, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Speaker of the House John Boehner promised to defund Obama’s amnesty if they exhausted all court battles.
With Justice Scalia’s passing, it is statistically impossible for the Supreme Court to stop Obama on this. The votes simply aren’t there. The best we can hope for is a 4-4 tie, which would send the case back to lower courts to rule in Obama’s favor.
The GOP and GOPe know this. They know that the clock is running out and they are terrified of actually having to stop this.
You see, the establishment, despite all their talk, actually wants to legalize illegal aliens to bring new low-cost workers into the labor force. They desperately want Obama’s amnesty to be upheld so they can get their cheap labor without having to anger the Conservative base by voting for it.
So, Paul Ryan has scheduled a vote. The House of Representatives voted 234-186 against Obama’s illegal alien amnesty. But not to defund Obama's amnesty like the leadership promised exactly one year ago. They decided they want to submit an amicus brief — aka a sternly worded letter — to the Supreme Court.
The whole thing was political theater, designed to make you think they are doing something when they really aren't!
They think you’re stupid. They are trying to shape the narrative and make it look like they’re doing something when in reality, they’re just trying to run out the clock.
They held this vote to create the appearance of fighting back.
Barack Obama has the right to prosecutorial discretion. This is a cornerstone of our justice system. No one has ever used this power to grant amnesty to millions of people, mind you… But what Obama does NOT have the right to do is bestow Social Security cards and benefits to these illegal aliens. Congress has determined that illegal aliens cannot work in this country so what he is doing is literally breaking the law.
Congress has every right to fight back. But that's not what they're doing. They spent a whole week debating whether Congress should write a brief for the Court when they should have been voting to defund Obama’s amnesty in case the Supreme Court rules in his favor.
It has been a little over a year since the GOP promised to pull the rug out from under Obama’s amnesty. They chickened out last year. They reversed course because they were convinced that they could get away with surrender without paying the consequences at the ballot box.
Why they convinced themselves that We the People wouldn’t notice this cowardice is beyond me. But it is now more important than ever to remind them that surrender is UNACCEPTABLE!
Writing a sternly worded letter to the Supreme Court isn’t fighting back. It is running out the clock!
Oral arguments in the Supreme Court case are set for THIS month! Barack Obama has all the social security cards and work permits ready to go out.
Once these documents are distributed to illegal aliens, it will be too late. We cannot wait to see how the Supreme Court rules. Congress won’t have enough time to stop Obama if the Court green lights the program.
If we don’t stop this right now, amnesty will be the law of the land. Congress promised to end this program and it is up to YOU to hold their feet to the fire!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily