Fellow Conservative,
We pressed as hard as we could to stop Obamatrade. Unfortunately, the major parts of the legislation package passed the house by narrow, single-digit votes.
However, one bill didn't make it through. Known as Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), this legislation would have provided funding for programs that retrain American workers displaced by Obamatrade.
The bill was voted down in the House (126 in favor, 302 against) and was a stunning rebuke of the President's trade agenda. Without the TAA, the entire trade package becomes unworkable.
In all honesty, it should have been voted down. All the GOP establishment has been saying is that Obamatrade is good for American workers and industry.
If that is true, why do they need to pass a bill to help American workers displaced (read: made unemployed) thanks to Obamatrade?
The only reason that TAA is necessary is because the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement is going to cause Americans to lose their jobs… period.
Now listen, until we read what is in the trade agreement, we can't really judge it. But, that's the point. Until Congress reads the agreement and the text is made public, it would be crazy to blindly support it. The GOP establishment says they have to give Obama fast-track powers before the American public is allowed to see the trade agreement in draft form.
Seriously? These are the same people who blasted the Democrats for passing Obamacare without bothering to read it or make it available to the public.
Now they are prepared to do the same thing. Pass Obamatrade without even reading it or making it available to the public.
As early as today, John Boehner and Company will attempt to pass the TAA for the second time. Without the Trade Adjustment Assistance bill, Obama's trade agenda is unworkable.
The last time they tried to pass this bill, almost two-thirds of Congress voted against it. Yet, at the same time, John Boehner wouldn't bring the bill up for a second vote unless he believed he had the votes to get it passed.
Obama doesn't need any more power. He's already used executive orders to enact illegal alien amnesty, gun control, and his climate change agenda. But he is limited in how much he can accomplish on his own.
If Congress passes TAA and gives him his complete trade agenda, all of these liberal agenda items will be back ten-fold.
This is the final push. If you can convince your Congressman and Senators to hold the line and vote against this trade package, we can put a stop to this madness.