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Today’s letter was adapted from an article by Ashe in America published yesterday.
“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
~ Mark Twain ~
CONGRESS: We don’t expect you to show up in protest of stolen elections, but you should at minimum hear the stories of the election workers and voters protesting in Phoenix.
“At the end of the day, we had that looming out there. There were probably 2,500 ballots and envelopes in [door three]. And we only had three of those containers to stack them in. And when we ran out of the three containers, we put them in garbage bags, and bags, and then me and one other guy transported [the ballots and envelopes] into the yellow trucks. Then they transported them down here to the other, the Maricopa County Election Center now Runbeck…the door number three ballots were mixed in with the already tabulated ballots. And I’ve already signed an affidavit notarized, and it’s going into a lawsuit.”
– Arizona Protestor, Nov 25, AZ State Capitol
“At least 146 voters were not properly checked out at their initial polling location, later presented at a different location and were required to vote using provisional ballots, which were not counted because the voter was erroneously recorded as already having voted. That’s not in operation. 273 voters were not properly checked out at their initial polling location.”
– Arizona Protestor, Nov 25, AZ State Capitol
“So at the end of the night recount, I counted the ballots that were left. We started with four boxes, 30 to 3200 blank pieces of paper. At the end of the night, we ran 1293 so I looked at the tabulators. The tabulators were added up to 1583. When I tried to get out, there was a difference on the machines of 239. We were short 239 votes. That shouldn’t happen. So all the people all day long putting their votes in this tabulation or going into [door three]…the tabulators weren’t calibrated right, per the troubleshooter and the misreads got mixed up. By then, there were two black bags, and we stuffed the voter’s ballots in five bags. We should have counted how many within the last person. We didn’t even do that. They were just put in the black bag…And then they [went] on this track downtown where you don’t know where they’re going and to Runbeck…Don’t certify.”
– Arizona Protestor, Nov 25, AZ State Capitol
Did you catch that? They didn’t count the Door Three ballots before they transported them!
“You know, are you going to stand up? …We have to think not of ourselves, but we have to think of our children or grandchildren and our future generations. Because if this country falls, a world falls, and they want us to go down. I will die for this country.”
– Arizona Protestor’s Public Comment, AZ State Capitol
We Demand Free and Fair Elections! Get on the right side of history. Remember your oath.