There have been many calls for the impeachment of Barack Obama, by both Republicans and Democrats alike. At the very least, a bipartisan group of Congressmen and experts in the field of political and constitutional law are calling for some of his actions to be examined, seriously.
However, we all know impeachment is a long shot. Although we should absolutely keep up the drumbeat when it comes to Obama’s crimes, perhaps it is time we turn some attention to his buddy, the corrupt Eric Holder, who is in charge of the Department of Justice.
Charles Krauthammer has called Holder one of the “most incompetent attorneys general in U.S. history.” Former DOJ official J. Christian Adams noted, “The damage he has done…has trickled down to infect the systems of law and legal jurisprudence throughout the country.
It may be an uphill battle to remove a sitting President—but this President’s “right hand man” in crime is Eric Holder, and he is destroying justice in America. This radical criminal must go. Our nation’s liberty, integrity and security are in danger under his regime.
When Obama spoke of a fundamental transformation, we’re sure he meant at all levels of government. This includes Eric Holder who has been a big part of that transformation. Every action he has taken as Attorney General has been taken almost as though Mr. Holder is asking himself, “How can I do the most harm to America?”
■ He lied under oath when questioned by Congress about the Fast and Furious operation, which was nothing more than a dirty, Chicago-style scheme to achieve gun control. Holder orchestrated the smuggling of thousands of guns across the border to Mexican drug cartels, hoping to make the point that “guns are bad” and our Second Amendment rights must be curtailed. American deaths resulted. Holder lied about his involvement and knowledge. The NRA has called for his removal and says, “he’s either covering up for the crimes committed, or he’s incompetent.”
■ He has corrupted our voting system, first by dismissing the New Black Panther voter intimidation case, and second, by refusing to enforce voter roll cleanup provisions. Worse, he travels the country speaking out against voter ID laws and claims those who want to secure the integrity of our voting system are racist. He is actually working against the States trying to take felons, dead people and other ineligible voters off their lists.
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■ Eric Holder has gone after Arizona, Alabama, North Carolina, and any other state trying to protect their borders against illegal immigrants. He has refused to enforce the rule of law relating to illegal immigration and has even granted certain illegals amnesty by ordering states to stand down on enforcement.
■ He is pushing his radical race agenda by, as we mentioned before, allowing New Black Panther party members to intimidate white voters, and, he came to the defense of New Haven, CT after white and Hispanic firefighters were denied promotions because they weren’t black. To show the lengths to which Holder is willing to go on race issues, he actually demanded that black police officers in Dayton, Ohio be hired, even though they had failed their exams.
■ He refuses to obey the law. Holder’s Justice Department and the various affiliated agencies under him have repeatedly refused to comply with Congressional investigations and Freedom of Information Act requests. His stonewalling is unacceptable and illegal.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) notes that in the last year alone, the Supreme Court has unanimously rejected arguments for more federal power six times. He recently released a report entitled, “The Legal Limit: The Obama Administration’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power,” in which he says,
“The Obama Administration, through its Department of Justice, has repeatedly advocated a radical theory of sweeping federal power.” This, we continue to argue, is one of the tools in Mr. Obama’s arsenal of “fundamental transformation,” and we must stop it. The United States of America cannot afford such corrupt, radical and illegal activity to continue at our Department of Justice.
Tell Congress to do something right now. What is worse: the crimes Mr. Holder has committed, or the apathy of our representatives who allow it?
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