Tiered Justice: Joe Biden Sponsored The ‘94 Crime Bill and Hunter Biden’s Privilege of Escaping its’ consequence The Democrats 1994 Crime Bill sponsored by then senator Joe Biden , disproportionately affected black men putting black families at greater risk of generational incarceration cycles. …
Reject the Proxy War with Russia through Ukraine We must strongly oppose the ongoing proxy war with Russia using Ukraine as a battleground. This conflict lacks proper approval from Congress, making it an illegal and undeclared war. As citizens, we do not consent to the expenditure of our resources or the…
The Pride Parades are Promoting Pedophilia & Child Sex-Related Trauma! During the month of June, many individuals apart or in support of the LGBT+ community gather in celebration of sexuality in “Pride Parades.” These parades are sexual in nature and often involve paraphernalia of genitalia (pornography), BDSM, and performances that typically involve sexual…