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Today's Action Alerts

House Finally Passes Late-Term Abortion Ban, But Mitch McConnell Won’t Hold A Vote!
I want to tell you a story. Two years ago, Congress announced they were going to do something remarkable: ban late-term abortions. The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would ban any abortion performed after 20-weeks, which is the point that babies in-utero begin to feel pain. The historic vote was set to coincide with the…
Watch: Las Vegas Shooting Victim Stands On Injured Leg To Greet President Trump
It seems like these days, we need any feel-good story we can get. This is definitely one of them. Thomas Gunderson was shot in the leg during the attack on a Las Vegas country music festival. He just happened to be recuperating in the hospital that President Donald Trump visited Wednesday. When he heard that President Trump…
Democrats Launch Backdoor Assault On Your 2nd Amendment Rights
Fellow Conservative, Yesterday, we buried Congress with demands that they hold a vote on the long-awaited Sportsmend Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, a bill that would reverse Obama's most unconstitutional gun control regulations and preserve the 2nd Amendment for generations to come. While the numbers are still coming in, the FaxBlast totaled in the hundreds…
Hillary Clinton Can’t Help Herself: Blames NRA Members For Las Vegas Shooting
Hillary Clinton, the least popular and least successful Presidential candidate in American history, took to Twitter this morning to voice her opinion on the shooting in Las Vegas and she couldn't help attacking American gun owners. Her tweets began just like every other politician, expressing her condolences and condemning the perpetrator. But then, she quickly went off…
Cowardly Democrats Sneaking UN Funding Into Budget To Undermine Pres. Trump
We've been saying for months that the establishment in Washington DC will not go down without a fight. President Trump represents the single biggest threat to their existence because for the first time, we have a President who cares more about the American people than he does about the donor class. Trump promised to defund…
Here’s The Bad News About Yesterday’s Massive Pro-Gun Court Victory
Fellow American, Yesterday evening, the entire DC Circuit Court of Appeals issued a groundbreaking announcement: they would not intervene to save Washington DC's unconstitutional concealed carry restrictions. Basically, in order to get a concealed carry permit in DC, you used to need to prove to the Police Chief that you had a "good reason" to carry. Other…
It’s Happening: Republicans Demand Full Investigation Into Clinton, Comey, and Obama
Fellow Conservative, We just received a major development in the push to get the Obama administration criminals prosecuted and thrown behind bars! The more the Left and RINOs try to go after President Trump, the more we learn about the crimes committed under the Obama administration. While Robert Mueller is struggling to find a crime…
Shameful Dems and RINOs Plotting Impeachment, Punishing Trump
Congress hates President Trump. It really isn't a surprise. Democrats have publicly called for Trump's removal from office for months. Republicans have been much more subtle, choosing to undermine the President's agenda and stop any legislation from reaching his desk. But yesterday, Republicans and Democrats were in agreement. Both parties actually spent Tuesday figuring out…
Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Just Stabbed You in the Back Again
Yesterday, the latest attempt to repeal Obamacare failed after multiple Republican Senators declared they would be voting against the bill. Mind you, these are the same GOP Senators who have been promising for seven years they'd pass a repeal bill on Day One that they control the government. Here we are on Day 250 and they…

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