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Today's Action Alerts

Alert: Democrats Blocking Trump From Dismantling UN’s Refugee Policies!
The leadership of United Nations organizations tends to rotate between countries. Every now and then, the United States is tasked with nominating someone to head up one of the UN's agencies for a few years. It just so happens that Trump gets to nominate someone to lead the United Nations' International Organization for Migration (IOM).…
They Must Be Removed: Ryan & McConnell Forced Trump to Sign Horrible Omnibus Bill
President Trump tweeted yesterday morning that he was considering vetoing the Establishment's massive omnibus bill. Then the calls started coming into the White House. Both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's offices informed the White House that there wouldn't be another vote. Essentially, if Trump vetoed the bill, he would be responsible for the shutdown. The…
They Betrayed Us: No Other Choice: Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell Must Be Removed
The GOP leadership finally released the text of its massive 1.3 Trillion omnibus spending bill. It was Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi behind closed doors hammering out the details of this massive spending bill. Honestly, the bill looks like there weren't even any Republicans in that room. No border wall funding.…
Breaking: Paul Ryan Betrays You, Abandons Wall and Funds Sanctuary Cities and Planned Parenthood!
Paul Ryan has approved the final language of the budget bill that the House is set to vote on tomorrow. It will include 1.3 trillion in spending, the second largest spending bill in American history. And the legislation is a complete betrayal. Ryan's bill completely funds sanctuary cities. Ryan's bill completely funds Planned Parenthood. Ryan's bill BLOCKS a border…
Yes: Trump Comes Out Swinging, Demands End to Russia Witch Hunt
We predicted it yesterday and were 100% correct: Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for breaking the law. McCabe was a central figure in not only the Clinton email investigation, but was also crucial in starting the witch hunt against President Trump. It was in Andrew McCabe's office that Peter…

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