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Today's Action Alerts

Today: Congress Voting To Restore All UN Funding That Trump Cut!
Over the last three years, President Trump has cut hundreds of millions in United Nations funding. His administration has gone through the budget line by line and pulled the plug on the most anti-American programs that the UN was running. The "Paris Climate Agreement" was a redistribution scheme designed to steal billions from America so…
Radical Dems Promise To Shut Down Trump’s Operation LeGend!
Yesterday, President Trump made history. He announced from the East Room of the White House that he is expanding Operation Legend to send federal law enforcement officers to two more cities: Chicago, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Operation LeGend is named after LeGend Taliferro, a 4-year-old boy (shown above) who was shot and killed last…
Tomorrow: Congress Begins Voting to Permanently Shutdown Border Wall Construction!
For three straight years, Democrats and their establishment Republican allies have worked overtime to stop the border wall from going up. Their efforts almost worked... Luckily, President Trump and his team found a way to legally and constitutionally re-route funding from other programs in order to get the wall built. A lot of this was…
Pelosi Furious After Trump Ignores Her, Sends More Officers to Portland!
This is amazing. Over the weekend, Democrats demanded that Trump withdraw federal law enforcement officers from Portland, Oregon. The Left actually claims that the presence of federal agents is what is prolonging the riots plaguing that city. The truth is there had been nightly riots in Portland for five straight weeks before Trump sent anyone…
Warren’s Amendment to Desecrate Confederate Graves in Arlington now Moving Forward
Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee debated next year's Defense Department spending bill, known as the National Defense Authorization Act. This is one of the twelve bills necessary to keep the government running. If it doesn't pass, then the Pentagon shuts down. We always keep an eye on this legislation because it is considered "must-pass." Neither…
Here It Comes: Dems Sneaking Through Radical New Gun Control Bill
Democrats are rallying behind a new gun control bill and they are hoping that you are too busy to notice. The legislation is called the Stop Home Manufacture of Ghost Guns Act (H.R.7468). Introduced by Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and David Cicilline (D-RI), the bill claims to eliminate the ability for people to build homemade…

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