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Today's Action Alerts

He Did It: Trump Officially Withdraws from the United Nations Human Rights Council!
Two days ago, the United Nations slammed the Trump administration and demanded that illegal aliens be allowed to cross the border without being detained.  This was the final straw. Yesterday afternoon, word came down from the White House to officially pull the plug. Nikki Haley formally announced that the United States is withdrawing from the…
Smackdown: Trump Just Ordered the GOP Cowards to the White House!
Late last week, Trump announced that he would not sign Paul Ryan's "compromise" amnesty bill as written. Conservatives in Congress took that opportunity to amend the bill to bring it more in-line with Trump's campaign promises.  Paul Ryan wanted to put all illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship. The latest changes would only grant…
Breaking: The GOP is Desperately Blocking Trump’s UN Withdrawal!
For eight years, the Obama administration teamed up with the United Nations to not only expand the organization's power over Americans, but to weaponize it for Obama's purposes. Case in point is the United Nation's Human Rights Council. The UNHRC doesn't focus on human rights. For goodness' sake, the council currently includes Saudi Arabia, one…
Breaking: GOP Blocking Impeachment Vote After Rosenstein Defies Subpoena Deadline!
Rep. Devin Nunes gave Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein a Tuesday deadline. If he did not comply with the Congressional subpoena and hand over the evidence of the Obama administration's efforts to spy on the Trump campaign, he would be held in Contempt of Congress for obstructing the investigation. The next step would be impeachment…
Breaking: Conservatives Set Deadline, Schedule Impeachment Against Deep State Criminals!
Congressman Devin Nunes, the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, just gave Rod Rosenstein and the Deep State a deadline. Either they hand over the documents that Congress has subpoenaed by tomorrow or Nunes will hold Rosenstein and his deep state accomplices in Contempt of Congress. The next step will be to impeach them and…

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